Sub-package holding model operation objects.
Package Contents
A composition (sum!) of several Lindbladian exponent operators. |
An operation that is the composition of a number of map-like factors (possibly other LinearOperator). |
TODO: update docstring |
Adds a numpy-array-mimicing interface onto an operation object. |
A depolarizing channel. |
A real operation matrix parameterized only by its eigenvalues. |
An error generator containing a single lower (or equal) dimensional operation within it. |
An operation containing a single lower (or equal) dimensional operation within it. |
An operation parameterized by the coefficients of an exponentiated sum of Lindblad-like terms. |
An operation consisting of the identity added to what would ordinarily be an error generator. |
An operation matrix that is fully parameterized. |
A trace-preserving operation matrix. |
An operation matrix that is fully parameterized. |
TODO: update docstring |
An Lindblad-form error generator. |
An object encapsulating a particular way of parameterizing a LindbladErrorgen |
Base class for all operation representations |
An operation matrix parameterized such that each element depends only linearly on any parameter. |
An object that can generate "on-demand" operators (can be SPAM vecs, etc., as well) for a Model. |
A factory that embeds a given factory's action into a single, pre-defined set of target sectors. |
A factory that "on-demand" embeds a given factory or operation into any requested set of target sectors. |
A factory that composes a number of other factories and/or operations. |
An operation map that is the composition of a number of map-like factors (possibly other LinearOperator) |
An operation matrix that is completely fixed, or "static" (i.e. that posesses no parameters). |
A Clifford operation, represented via a symplectic matrix. |
An operation that is completely fixed, or "static" (i.e. that posesses no parameters) |
A unitary operation matrix that is completely fixed, or "static" (i.e. that posesses no parameters). |
A stochastic noise operation. |
An operation matrix that induces an affine shift. |
Computes a finite-difference Jacobian for a LinearOperator object. |
Computes a finite-difference Hessian for a LinearOperator object. |
TODO: docstring - note that op_type can be a list/tuple of types in order of precedence |
Decode an op type into the "canonical", more verbose op type. |
TODO: docstring |
Convert operation to a new type of parameterization. |
Checks the deriv_wrt_params method of a LinearOperator object. |
Optimize the parameters of op_to_optimize. |
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.ComposedErrorgen(errgens_to_compose, evotype='auto', state_space='auto')
A composition (sum!) of several Lindbladian exponent operators.
That is, a sum (not product) of other error generators.
- errgens_to_composelist
List of LinearOperator-derived objects that are summed together (composed) to form this error generator.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype. The special value “auto” is equivalent to the evolution type of ops_to_compose[0] if there’s at least one operation being composed.
- state_spaceStateSpace or “auto”
State space of this error generator. Can be set to “auto” to take the state space from errgens_to_compose[0] if there’s at least one error generator being composed.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property parameter_labels
An array of labels (usually strings) describing this model member’s parameters.
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this error generator.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- factors
- matrix_basis
- coefficients(return_basis=False, logscale_nonham=False)
Constructs a dictionary of the Lindblad-error-generator coefficients of this error generator.
Note that these are not necessarily the parameter values, as these coefficients are generally functions of the parameters (so as to keep the coefficients positive, for instance).
- return_basisbool
Whether to also return a
containing the elements with which the error generator terms were constructed.- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the non-hamiltonian error generator coefficients should be scaled so that the returned dict contains: (1 - exp(-d^2 * coeff)) / d^2 instead of coeff. This essentially converts the coefficient into a rate that is the contribution this term would have within a depolarizing channel where all stochastic generators had this same coefficient. This is the value returned by
- Ltermdictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are integers starting at 0. Values are complex coefficients.
- basisBasis
A Basis mapping the basis labels used in the keys of Ltermdict to basis matrices.
- coefficient_labels()
The elementary error-generator labels corresponding to the elements of
- tuple
A tuple of (<type>, <basisEl1> [,<basisEl2]) elements identifying the elementary error generators of this gate.
- coefficients_array()
The weighted coefficients of this error generator in terms of “standard” error generators.
Constructs a 1D array of all the coefficients returned by
, weighted so that different error generators can be weighted differently when a errorgen_penalty_factor is used in an objective function.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of length equal to the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this error generator.
- coefficients_array_deriv_wrt_params()
The jacobian of
with respect to this error generator’s parameters.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 2D array of shape (num_coeffs, num_params) where num_coeffs is the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this error generator, and num_params is this error generator’s number of parameters.
- error_rates()
Constructs a dictionary of the error rates associated with this error generator.
These error rates pertaining to the channel formed by exponentiating this object.
The “error rate” for an individual Hamiltonian error is the angle about the “axis” (generalized in the multi-qubit case) corresponding to a particular basis element, i.e. theta in the unitary channel U = exp(i * theta/2 * BasisElement).
The “error rate” for an individual Stochastic error is the contribution that basis element’s term would have to the error rate of a depolarization channel. For example, if the rate corresponding to the term (‘S’,’X’) is 0.01 this means that the coefficient of the rho -> X*rho*X-rho error generator is set such that if this coefficient were used for all 3 (X,Y, and Z) terms the resulting depolarizing channel would have error rate 3*0.01 = 0.03.
Note that because error generator terms do not necessarily commute with one another, the sum of the returned error rates is not necessarily the error rate of the overall channel.
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case.
- set_coefficients(lindblad_term_dict, action='update', logscale_nonham=False, truncate=True)
Sets the coefficients of terms in this error generator.
The dictionary lindblad_term_dict has tuple-keys describing the type of term and the basis elements used to construct it, e.g. (‘H’,’X’).
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are the coefficients of these error generators, and should be real except for the 2-basis-label case.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error-generator coefficients.
- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the values in lindblad_term_dict for non-hamiltonian error generators should be interpreted as error rates (of an “equivalent” depolarizing channel, see
) instead of raw coefficients. If True, then the non-hamiltonian coefficients are set to -log(1 - d^2*rate)/d^2, where rate is the corresponding value given in lindblad_term_dict. This is what is performed by the functionset_error_rates()
.- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints (e.g. to preserve CPTP) when necessary. If False, then an error is thrown when the given coefficients cannot be parameterized as specified.
- set_error_rates(lindblad_term_dict, action='update')
Sets the coeffcients of terms in this error generator.
Cofficients are set so that the contributions of the resulting channel’s error rate are given by the values in lindblad_term_dict. See
for more details.Parameters
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case, when they may be complex.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error rates.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened error generator matrix with respect to a single operator parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this error generator with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension^2, num_params1, num_params2)
- append(*factors_to_add)
Add one or more factors to this operator.
- *factors_to_addLinearOperator
One or multiple factor operators to add on at the end (summed last) of this operator.
- insert(insert_at, *factors_to_insert)
Insert one or more factors into this operator.
- insert_atint
The index at which to insert factors_to_insert. The factor at this index and those after it are shifted back by len(factors_to_insert).
- *factors_to_insertLinearOperator
One or multiple factor operators to insert within this operator.
- remove(*factor_indices)
Remove one or more factors from this operator.
- *factorop_indicesint
One or multiple factor indices to remove from this operator.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return this error generator as a sparse matrix
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return this error generator as a dense matrix
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_vector()
Get the error generator parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this error generator.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get.
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
In this particular case any TP gauge transformation is possible, i.e. when s is an instance of TPGaugeGroupElement or corresponds to a TP-like transform matrix.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.ComposedOp(ops_to_compose, evotype='auto', state_space='auto', allocated_to_parent=None)
An operation that is the composition of a number of map-like factors (possibly other LinearOperator).
- ops_to_composelist
List of LinearOperator-derived objects that are composed to form this operation map. Elements are composed with vectors in left-to-right ordering, maintaining the same convention as operation sequences in pyGSTi. Note that this is opposite from standard matrix multiplication order.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype. The special value “auto” is equivalent to the evolution type of ops_to_compose[0] if there’s at least one operation being composed.
- state_spaceStateSpace or “auto”
State space of this error generator. Can be set to “auto” to take the state space from errgens_to_compose[0] if there’s at least one error generator being composed.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property parameter_labels
An array of labels (usually strings) describing this model member’s parameters.
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- factorops
- terms
- local_term_poly_coeffs
- set_time(t)
Sets the current time for a time-dependent operator.
For time-independent operators (the default), this function does nothing.
- tfloat
The current time.
- set_gpindices(gpindices, parent, memo=None)
Set the parent and indices into the parent’s parameter vector that are used by this ModelMember object.
- gpindicesslice or integer ndarray
The indices of this objects parameters in its parent’s array.
- parentModel or ModelMember
The parent whose parameter array gpindices references.
- memodict, optional
A memo dict used to avoid circular references.
- append(*factorops_to_add)
Add one or more factors to this operator.
- *factors_to_addLinearOperator
One or multiple factor operators to add on at the end (evaluated last) of this operator.
- insert(insert_at, *factorops_to_insert)
Insert one or more factors into this operator.
- insert_atint
The index at which to insert factorops_to_insert. The factor at this index and those after it are shifted back by len(factorops_to_insert).
- *factors_to_insertLinearOperator
One or multiple factor operators to insert within this operator.
- remove(*factorop_indices)
Remove one or more factors from this operator.
- *factorop_indicesint
One or multiple factor indices to remove from this operator.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a sparse matrix
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return this operation as a dense matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get.
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- taylor_order_terms_above_mag(order, max_polynomial_vars, min_term_mag)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation that have magnitude above min_term_mag.
This function constructs the terms at the given order which have a magnitude (given by the absolute value of their coefficient) that is greater than or equal to min_term_mag. It calls
internally, so that all the terms at order order are typically cached for future calls.The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get (and filter).
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- min_term_magfloat
the minimum term magnitude.
- list
A list of
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this operation has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
(i.e. whether it only depends linearly on its parameters or not)
- transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
In this particular case any TP gauge transformation is possible, i.e. when s is an instance of TPGaugeGroupElement or corresponds to a TP-like transform matrix.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- errorgen_coefficients(return_basis=False, logscale_nonham=False)
Constructs a dictionary of the Lindblad-error-generator coefficients of this operation.
Note that these are not necessarily the parameter values, as these coefficients are generally functions of the parameters (so as to keep the coefficients positive, for instance).
- return_basisbool, optional
Whether to also return a
containing the elements with which the error generator terms were constructed.- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the non-hamiltonian error generator coefficients should be scaled so that the returned dict contains: (1 - exp(-d^2 * coeff)) / d^2 instead of coeff. This essentially converts the coefficient into a rate that is the contribution this term would have within a depolarizing channel where all stochastic generators had this same coefficient. This is the value returned by
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are integers starting at 0. Values are complex coefficients.
- basisBasis
A Basis mapping the basis labels used in the keys of lindblad_term_dict to basis matrices.
- errorgen_coefficient_labels()
The elementary error-generator labels corresponding to the elements of
- tuple
A tuple of (<type>, <basisEl1> [,<basisEl2]) elements identifying the elementary error generators of this gate.
- errorgen_coefficients_array()
The weighted coefficients of this operation’s error generator in terms of “standard” error generators.
Constructs a 1D array of all the coefficients returned by
, weighted so that different error generators can be weighted differently when a errorgen_penalty_factor is used in an objective function.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of length equal to the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this operation’s error generator.
- errorgen_coefficients_array_deriv_wrt_params()
The jacobian of
with respect to this operation’s parameters.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 2D array of shape (num_coeffs, num_params) where num_coeffs is the number of coefficients of this operation’s error generator and num_params is this operation’s number of parameters.
- error_rates()
Constructs a dictionary of the error rates associated with this operation.
The “error rate” for an individual Hamiltonian error is the angle about the “axis” (generalized in the multi-qubit case) corresponding to a particular basis element, i.e. theta in the unitary channel U = exp(i * theta/2 * BasisElement).
The “error rate” for an individual Stochastic error is the contribution that basis element’s term would have to the error rate of a depolarization channel. For example, if the rate corresponding to the term (‘S’,’X’) is 0.01 this means that the coefficient of the rho -> X*rho*X-rho error generator is set such that if this coefficient were used for all 3 (X,Y, and Z) terms the resulting depolarizing channel would have error rate 3*0.01 = 0.03.
Note that because error generator terms do not necessarily commute with one another, the sum of the returned error rates is not necessarily the error rate of the overall channel.
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case.
- set_errorgen_coefficients(lindblad_term_dict, action='update', logscale_nonham=False, truncate=True)
Sets the coefficients of terms in the error generator of this operation.
The dictionary lindblad_term_dict has tuple-keys describing the type of term and the basis elements used to construct it, e.g. (‘H’,’X’).
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are the coefficients of these error generators, and should be real except for the 2-basis-label case.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error-generator coefficients.
- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the values in lindblad_term_dict for non-hamiltonian error generators should be interpreted as error rates (of an “equivalent” depolarizing channel, see
) instead of raw coefficients. If True, then the non-hamiltonian coefficients are set to -log(1 - d^2*rate)/d^2, where rate is the corresponding value given in lindblad_term_dict. This is what is performed by the functionset_error_rates()
.- truncatebool, optional
Whether to allow adjustment of the errogen coefficients in order to meet constraints (e.g. to preserve CPTP) when necessary. If False, then an error is thrown when the given coefficients cannot be set as specified.
- set_error_rates(lindblad_term_dict, action='update')
Sets the coeffcients of terms in the error generator of this operation.
Values are set so that the contributions of the resulting channel’s error rate are given by the values in lindblad_term_dict. See
for more details.Parameters
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case, when they may be complex.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error rates.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.DenseOperator(mx, basis, evotype, state_space=None)
TODO: update docstring An operator that behaves like a dense super-operator matrix.
This class is the common base class for more specific dense operators.
- mxnumpy.ndarray
The operation as a dense process matrix.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
- basenumpy.ndarray
Direct access to the underlying process matrix data.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property kraus_operators
A list of this operation’s Kraus operators as numpy arrays.
- classmethod from_kraus_operators(kraus_operators, basis='pp', evotype='default', state_space=None)
Create an operation by specifying its Kraus operators.
- kraus_operatorslist
A list of numpy arrays, each of which specifyies a Kraus operator.
- basisstr or Basis, optional
The basis in which the created operator’s superoperator representation is in.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return the dense array used to represent this operation within its evolution type.
Note: for efficiency, this doesn’t copy the underlying data, so the caller should copy this data before modifying it.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.DenseOperatorInterface
Adds a numpy-array-mimicing interface onto an operation object.
- to_array()
Return the array used to identify this operation within its range of possible values.
For instance, if the operation is a unitary operation, this returns a unitary matrix regardless of the evolution type. The related
method, in contrast, returns the dense representation of the operation, which varies by evolution type.Note: for efficiency, this doesn’t copy the underlying data, so the caller should copy this data before modifying it.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a sparse matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.DepolarizeOp(state_space, basis='PP', evotype='default', initial_rate=0, seed_or_state=None)
A depolarizing channel.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’qt’}, optional
The basis to use, defining the “principle axes” along which there is stochastic noise. While strictly unnecessary since all complete bases yield the same operator, this affects the underlying
and so is given as an option to the user.- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- initial_ratefloat, optional
the initial error rate.
- seed_or_statefloat or RandomState, optional
Random seed for RandomState (or directly provided RandomState) for sampling stochastic superoperators with the ‘chp’ evotype.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- basis
- params
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.EigenvalueParamDenseOp(matrix, include_off_diags_in_degen_blocks=False, tp_constrained_and_unital=False, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
A real operation matrix parameterized only by its eigenvalues.
These eigenvalues are assumed to be either real or to occur in conjugate pairs. Thus, the number of parameters is equal to the number of eigenvalues.
- matrixnumpy array
a square 2D numpy array that gives the raw operation matrix to paramterize. The shape of this array sets the dimension of the operation.
- include_off_diags_in_degen_blocksbool or int
If True, include as parameters the (initially zero) off-diagonal elements in degenerate blocks of the the diagonalized operation matrix. If an integer, no off-diagonals are included in blocks larger than n x n, where n == include_off_diags_in_degen_blocks. This is an option specifically used in the per-germ-power fiducial pair reduction (FPR) algorithm.
- tp_constrained_and_unitalbool
If True, assume the top row of the operation matrix is fixed to [1, 0, … 0] and should not be parameterized, and verify that the matrix is unital. In this case, “1” is always a fixed (not-paramterized) eigenvalue with eigenvector [1,…0] and if include_off_diags_in_degen_blocks is True any off diagonal elements lying on the top row are not parameterized as implied by the TP constraint.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- evals
- B
- Bi
- options
- params = '[]'
- paramvals
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying operation parameters from this operation.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.EmbeddedErrorgen(state_space, target_labels, errgen_to_embed)
An error generator containing a single lower (or equal) dimensional operation within it.
An EmbeddedErrorGen acts as the null map (zero) on all of its domain except the subspace of its contained error generator, where it acts as the contained item does.
- state_spaceStateSpace
Specifies the density matrix space upon which this operation acts.
- target_labelslist of strs
The labels contained in state_space which demarcate the portions of the state space acted on by errgen_to_embed (the “contained” error generator).
- errgen_to_embedLinearOperator
The error generator object that is to be contained within this error generator, and that specifies the only non-trivial action of the EmbeddedErrorgen.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- coefficients(return_basis=False, logscale_nonham=False)
Constructs a dictionary of the Lindblad-error-generator coefficients of this operation.
Note that these are not necessarily the parameter values, as these coefficients are generally functions of the parameters (so as to keep the coefficients positive, for instance).
- return_basisbool
Whether to also return a
containing the elements with which the error generator terms were constructed.- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the non-hamiltonian error generator coefficients should be scaled so that the returned dict contains: (1 - exp(-d^2 * coeff)) / d^2 instead of coeff. This essentially converts the coefficient into a rate that is the contribution this term would have within a depolarizing channel where all stochastic generators had this same coefficient. This is the value returned by
- Ltermdictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are integers starting at 0. Values are complex coefficients.
- basisBasis
A Basis mapping the basis labels used in the keys of Ltermdict to basis matrices.
- coefficient_labels()
The elementary error-generator labels corresponding to the elements of
- tuple
A tuple of (<type>, <basisEl1> [,<basisEl2]) elements identifying the elementary error generators of this gate.
- coefficients_array()
The weighted coefficients of this error generator in terms of “standard” error generators.
Constructs a 1D array of all the coefficients returned by
, weighted so that different error generators can be weighted differently when a errorgen_penalty_factor is used in an objective function.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of length equal to the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this error generator.
- coefficients_array_deriv_wrt_params()
The jacobian of
with respect to this error generator’s parameters.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 2D array of shape (num_coeffs, num_params) where num_coeffs is the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this error generator, and num_params is this error generator’s number of parameters.
- error_rates()
Constructs a dictionary of the error rates associated with this error generator.
These error rates pertain to the channel formed by exponentiating this object.
The “error rate” for an individual Hamiltonian error is the angle about the “axis” (generalized in the multi-qubit case) corresponding to a particular basis element, i.e. theta in the unitary channel U = exp(i * theta/2 * BasisElement).
The “error rate” for an individual Stochastic error is the contribution that basis element’s term would have to the error rate of a depolarization channel. For example, if the rate corresponding to the term (‘S’,’X’) is 0.01 this means that the coefficient of the rho -> X*rho*X-rho error generator is set such that if this coefficient were used for all 3 (X,Y, and Z) terms the resulting depolarizing channel would have error rate 3*0.01 = 0.03.
Note that because error generator terms do not necessarily commute with one another, the sum of the returned error rates is not necessarily the error rate of the overall channel.
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case.
- set_coefficients(lindblad_term_dict, action='update', logscale_nonham=False, truncate=True)
Sets the coefficients of terms in this error generator.
The dictionary lindblad_term_dict has tuple-keys describing the type of term and the basis elements used to construct it, e.g. (‘H’,’X’).
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are the coefficients of these error generators, and should be real except for the 2-basis-label case.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error-generator coefficients.
- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the values in lindblad_term_dict for non-hamiltonian error generators should be interpreted as error rates (of an “equivalent” depolarizing channel, see
) instead of raw coefficients. If True, then the non-hamiltonian coefficients are set to -log(1 - d^2*rate)/d^2, where rate is the corresponding value given in lindblad_term_dict. This is what is performed by the functionset_error_rates()
.- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints (e.g. to preserve CPTP) when necessary. If False, then an error is thrown when the given coefficients cannot be parameterized as specified.
- set_error_rates(lindblad_term_dict, action='update')
Sets the coeffcients of terms in this error generator.
Coefficients are set so that the contributions of the resulting channel’s error rate are given by the values in lindblad_term_dict. See
for more details.Parameters
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case, when they may be complex.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error rates.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened error generator matrix with respect to a single operator parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this error generator with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension^2, num_params1, num_params2)
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.EmbeddedOp(state_space, target_labels, operation_to_embed, allocated_to_parent=None)
An operation containing a single lower (or equal) dimensional operation within it.
An EmbeddedOp acts as the identity on all of its domain except the subspace of its contained operation, where it acts as the contained operation does.
- state_spaceStateSpace
Specifies the density matrix space upon which this operation acts.
- target_labelslist of strs
The labels contained in state_space which demarcate the portions of the state space acted on by operation_to_embed (the “contained” operation).
- operation_to_embedLinearOperator
The operation object that is to be contained within this operation, and that specifies the only non-trivial action of the EmbeddedOp.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property parameter_labels
An array of labels (usually strings) describing this model member’s parameters.
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- target_labels
- embedded_op
- set_time(t)
Sets the current time for a time-dependent operator.
For time-independent operators (the default), this function does nothing.
- tfloat
The current time.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a sparse matrix
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a dense matrix
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get.
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- taylor_order_terms_above_mag(order, max_polynomial_vars, min_term_mag)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation that have magnitude above min_term_mag.
This function constructs the terms at the given order which have a magnitude (given by the absolute value of their coefficient) that is greater than or equal to min_term_mag. It calls
internally, so that all the terms at order order are typically cached for future calls.The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get (and filter).
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- min_term_magfloat
the minimum term magnitude.
- list
A list of
- abstract transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
In this particular case any TP gauge transformation is possible, i.e. when s is an instance of TPGaugeGroupElement or corresponds to a TP-like transform matrix.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- errorgen_coefficients(return_basis=False, logscale_nonham=False)
Constructs a dictionary of the Lindblad-error-generator coefficients of this operation.
Note that these are not necessarily the parameter values, as these coefficients are generally functions of the parameters (so as to keep the coefficients positive, for instance).
- return_basisbool, optional
Whether to also return a
containing the elements with which the error generator terms were constructed.- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the non-hamiltonian error generator coefficients should be scaled so that the returned dict contains: (1 - exp(-d^2 * coeff)) / d^2 instead of coeff. This essentially converts the coefficient into a rate that is the contribution this term would have within a depolarizing channel where all stochastic generators had this same coefficient. This is the value returned by
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are integers starting at 0. Values are complex coefficients.
- basisBasis
A Basis mapping the basis labels used in the keys of lindblad_term_dict to basis matrices.
- errorgen_coefficient_labels()
The elementary error-generator labels corresponding to the elements of
- tuple
A tuple of (<type>, <basisEl1> [,<basisEl2]) elements identifying the elementary error generators of this gate.
- errorgen_coefficients_array()
The weighted coefficients of this operation’s error generator in terms of “standard” error generators.
Constructs a 1D array of all the coefficients returned by
, weighted so that different error generators can be weighted differently when a errorgen_penalty_factor is used in an objective function.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of length equal to the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this operation’s error generator.
- errorgen_coefficients_array_deriv_wrt_params()
The jacobian of
with respect to this operation’s parameters.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 2D array of shape (num_coeffs, num_params) where num_coeffs is the number of coefficients of this operation’s error generator and num_params is this operation’s number of parameters.
- error_rates()
Constructs a dictionary of the error rates associated with this operation.
The “error rate” for an individual Hamiltonian error is the angle about the “axis” (generalized in the multi-qubit case) corresponding to a particular basis element, i.e. theta in the unitary channel U = exp(i * theta/2 * BasisElement).
The “error rate” for an individual Stochastic error is the contribution that basis element’s term would have to the error rate of a depolarization channel. For example, if the rate corresponding to the term (‘S’,’X’) is 0.01 this means that the coefficient of the rho -> X*rho*X-rho error generator is set such that if this coefficient were used for all 3 (X,Y, and Z) terms the resulting depolarizing channel would have error rate 3*0.01 = 0.03.
Note that because error generator terms do not necessarily commute with one another, the sum of the returned error rates is not necessarily the error rate of the overall channel.
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case.
- set_errorgen_coefficients(lindblad_term_dict, action='update', logscale_nonham=False, truncate=True)
Sets the coefficients of terms in the error generator of this operation.
The dictionary lindblad_term_dict has tuple-keys describing the type of term and the basis elements used to construct it, e.g. (‘H’,’X’).
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are the coefficients of these error generators, and should be real except for the 2-basis-label case.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error-generator coefficients.
- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the values in lindblad_term_dict for non-hamiltonian error generators should be interpreted as error rates (of an “equivalent” depolarizing channel, see
) instead of raw coefficients. If True, then the non-hamiltonian coefficients are set to -log(1 - d^2*rate)/d^2, where rate is the corresponding value given in lindblad_term_dict. This is what is performed by the functionset_error_rates()
.- truncatebool, optional
Whether to allow adjustment of the errogen coefficients in order to meet constraints (e.g. to preserve CPTP) when necessary. If False, then an error is thrown when the given coefficients cannot be set as specified.
- set_error_rates(lindblad_term_dict, action='update')
Sets the coeffcients of terms in the error generator of this operation.
Values are set so that the contributions of the resulting channel’s error rate are given by the values in lindblad_term_dict. See
for more details.Parameters
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Affine). Hamiltonian and Affine terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas Stochastic tuples have 1 basis label to indicate a diagonal term and otherwise have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case, when they may be complex.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error rates.
- depolarize(amount)
Depolarize this operation by the given amount.
Generally, the depolarize function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is depolarized. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- amountfloat or tuple
The amount to depolarize by. If a tuple, it must have length equal to one less than the dimension of the operation. In standard bases, depolarization corresponds to multiplying the operation matrix by a diagonal matrix whose first diagonal element (corresponding to the identity) equals 1.0 and whose subsequent elements (corresponding to non-identity basis elements) equal 1.0 - amount[i] (or just 1.0 - amount if amount is a float).
- rotate(amount, mx_basis='gm')
Rotate this operation by the given amount.
Generally, the rotate function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is rotated. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- amounttuple of floats, optional
Specifies the rotation “coefficients” along each of the non-identity Pauli-product axes. The operation’s matrix G is composed with a rotation operation R (so G -> dot(R, G) ) where R is the unitary superoperator corresponding to the unitary operator U = exp( sum_k( i * rotate[k] / 2.0 * Pauli_k ) ). Here Pauli_k ranges over all of the non-identity un-normalized Pauli operators.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object
The source and destination basis, respectively. Allowed values are Matrix-unit (std), Gell-Mann (gm), Pauli-product (pp), and Qutrit (qt) (or a custom basis object).
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this operation has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
(i.e. whether it only depends linearly on its parameters or not)
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.ExpErrorgenOp(errorgen)
An operation parameterized by the coefficients of an exponentiated sum of Lindblad-like terms. TODO: update docstring!
The exponentiated terms give the operation’s action.
- errorgenLinearOperator
The error generator for this operator. That is, the L if this operator is exp(L).
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property parameter_labels
An array of labels (usually strings) describing this model member’s parameters.
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- errorgen
- terms
- exp_terms_cache
- local_term_poly_coeffs
- set_gpindices(gpindices, parent, memo=None)
Set the parent and indices into the parent’s parameter vector that are used by this ModelMember object.
- gpindicesslice or integer ndarray
The indices of this objects parameters in its parent’s array.
- parentModel or ModelMember
The parent whose parameter array gpindices references.
- memodict, optional
A memo dict used to avoid circular references.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a sparse matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this operation has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
(i.e. whether it only depends linearly on its parameters or not)
- hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this operation with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension^2, num_params1, num_params2)
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying operation parameters from this operation.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
Which order terms (in a Taylor expansion of this
) to retrieve.- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- taylor_order_terms_above_mag(order, max_polynomial_vars, min_term_mag)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation that have magnitude above min_term_mag.
This function constructs the terms at the given order which have a magnitude (given by the absolute value of their coefficient) that is greater than or equal to min_term_mag. It calls
internally, so that all the terms at order order are typically cached for future calls.The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get (and filter).
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- min_term_magfloat
the minimum term magnitude.
- list
A list of
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes mx. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- spam_transform_inplace(s, typ)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O OR O * s, depending on the value of typ.
This functions as transform_inplace(…) but is used when this operation is used as a part of a SPAM vector. When typ == “prep”, the spam vector is assumed to be rho = dot(self, <spamvec>), which transforms as rho -> inv(s) * rho, so self -> inv(s) * self. When typ == “effect”, e.dag = dot(e.dag, self) (note that self is NOT self.dag here), and e.dag -> e.dag * s so that self -> self * s.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- typ{ ‘prep’, ‘effect’ }
Which type of SPAM vector is being transformed (see above).
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.IdentityPlusErrorgenOp(errorgen)
An operation consisting of the identity added to what would ordinarily be an error generator.
This is the first-order expansion, exp(L) = 1 + L, and yields a CPTP map whenever L is a valid Lindbladian.
- errorgenLinearOperator
The error generator for this operator.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property parameter_labels
An array of labels (usually strings) describing this model member’s parameters.
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- errorgen
- terms
- local_term_poly_coeffs
- set_gpindices(gpindices, parent, memo=None)
Set the parent and indices into the parent’s parameter vector that are used by this ModelMember object.
- gpindicesslice or integer ndarray
The indices of this objects parameters in its parent’s array.
- parentModel or ModelMember
The parent whose parameter array gpindices references.
- memodict, optional
A memo dict used to avoid circular references.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a sparse matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this operation has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
(i.e. whether it only depends linearly on its parameters or not)
- hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this operation with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension^2, num_params1, num_params2)
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying operation parameters from this operation.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
Which order terms (in a Taylor expansion of this
) to retrieve.- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- taylor_order_terms_above_mag(order, max_polynomial_vars, min_term_mag)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation that have magnitude above min_term_mag.
This function constructs the terms at the given order which have a magnitude (given by the absolute value of their coefficient) that is greater than or equal to min_term_mag. It calls
internally, so that all the terms at order order are typically cached for future calls.The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get (and filter).
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- min_term_magfloat
the minimum term magnitude.
- list
A list of
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes mx. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- abstract transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- abstract spam_transform_inplace(s, typ)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O OR O * s, depending on the value of typ.
This functions as transform_inplace(…) but is used when this operation is used as a part of a SPAM vector. When typ == “prep”, the spam vector is assumed to be rho = dot(self, <spamvec>), which transforms as rho -> inv(s) * rho, so self -> inv(s) * self. When typ == “effect”, e.dag = dot(e.dag, self) (note that self is NOT self.dag here), and e.dag -> e.dag * s so that self -> self * s.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- typ{ ‘prep’, ‘effect’ }
Which type of SPAM vector is being transformed (see above).
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.FullArbitraryOp(m, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
An operation matrix that is fully parameterized.
That is, each element of the operation matrix is an independent parameter.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
a square 2D array-like or LinearOperator object representing the operation action. The shape of m sets the dimension of the operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes mx. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.FullTPOp(m, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
A trace-preserving operation matrix.
An operation matrix that is fully parameterized except for the first row, which is frozen to be [1 0 … 0] so that the action of the operation, when interpreted in the Pauli or Gell-Mann basis, is trace preserving (TP).
- marray_like or LinearOperator
a square 2D array-like or LinearOperator object representing the operation action. The shape of m sets the dimension of the operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
- basenumpy.ndarray
Direct access to the underlying process matrix data.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes mx. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- stateless_data() Tuple[int]
Return this ModelMember’s data that is considered constant for purposes of model fitting.
Note: the word “stateless” here is used in the sense of object-oriented programming.
- static torch_base(sd: Tuple[int], t_param: torch.Tensor) torch.Tensor
Suppose “obj” is an instance of some Torchable subclass. If we compute
vec = obj.to_vector() t_param = torch.from_numpy(vec) sd = obj.stateless_data() t = type(obj).torch_base(sd, t_param)
then t will be a PyTorch Tensor that represents “obj” in a canonical numerical way.
The meaning of “canonical” is implementation dependent. If type(obj) implements the
attribute, then a reasonable implementation will probably satisfynp.allclose(obj.base, t.numpy()).
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.FullUnitaryOp(m, basis='pp', evotype='default', state_space=None)
An operation matrix that is fully parameterized.
That is, each element of the operation matrix is an independent parameter.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
a square 2D array-like or LinearOperator object representing the operation action. The shape of m sets the dimension of the operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’}, optional
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes mx. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this operation has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
(i.e. whether it only depends linearly on its parameters or not)
- transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- spam_transform_inplace(s, typ)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O OR O * s, depending on the value of typ.
This functions as transform_inplace(…) but is used when this Lindblad-parameterized operation is used as a part of a SPAM vector. When typ == “prep”, the spam vector is assumed to be rho = dot(self, <spamvec>), which transforms as rho -> inv(s) * rho, so self -> inv(s) * self. When typ == “effect”, e.dag = dot(e.dag, self) (not that self is NOT self.dag here), and e.dag -> e.dag * s so that self -> self * s.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- typ{ ‘prep’, ‘effect’ }
Which type of SPAM vector is being transformed (see above).
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.FullCPTPOp(choi_mx, basis, evotype, state_space=None, truncate=False)
TODO: update docstring An operator that is constrained to be CPTP.
This operation is parameterized by (normalized) elements of the Cholesky decomposition of the quantum channel’s Choi matrix.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this state vector.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- Lmx
- classmethod from_superop_matrix(superop_mx, basis, evotype, state_space=None, truncate=False)
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return the dense array used to represent this operation within its evolution type.
Note: for efficiency, this doesn’t copy the underlying data, so the caller should copy this data before modifying it.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_vector()
Get the state vector parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the state vector using a 1D array of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of state vector parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this state vector’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- abstract deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this state vector.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the derivatives of the state vector with respect to a single param. Thus, each column is of length dimension and there is one column per state vector parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension, num_params)
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this state vector has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
- abstract hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this state vector with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension, num_params1, num_params2)
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.LindbladErrorgen(lindblad_coefficient_blocks, lindblad_basis='auto', mx_basis='pp', evotype='default', state_space=None)
An Lindblad-form error generator.
This error generator consisting of terms that, with appropriate constraints ensurse that the resulting (after exponentiation) operation/layer operation is CPTP. These terms can be divided into “Hamiltonian”-type terms, which map rho -> i[H,rho] and “non-Hamiltonian”/”other”-type terms, which map rho -> A rho B + 0.5*(ABrho + rhoAB).
Initialize a LindbladErrorgen object.
- lindblad_coefficient_blockslist of LindbladCoefficientBlock
A list of Lindblad coefficient blocks that define the error generator.
- lindblad_basis{‘auto’, ‘PP’, ‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis used for Lindblad terms. If ‘auto’, the basis is inferred from the coefficient blocks. Default is ‘auto’.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis for this error generator’s linear mapping. Default is ‘pp’.
- evotype{“default”, “densitymx”, “svterm”, “cterm”}, optional
The evolution type of the error generator being constructed. Default is “default”.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for the error generator. Default is None.
- ValueError
If the provided evotype does not support any of the required representations for a LindbladErrorgen.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- coefficient_blocks
- matrix_basis
- paramvals
- lindblad_term_superops_and_1norms
- combined_lindblad_term_superops
- classmethod from_operation_matrix_and_blocks(op_matrix, lindblad_coefficient_blocks, lindblad_basis='auto', mx_basis='pp', truncate=True, evotype='default', state_space=None)
Create a Lindblad-parameterized error generator from an operation matrix and coefficient blocks.
- op_matrixnumpy array or SciPy sparse matrix
A square 2D array that gives the raw operation matrix, assumed to be in the mx_basis basis. The shape of this array sets the dimension of the operation.
- lindblad_coefficient_blockslist
A list of Lindblad coefficient blocks to set from the error generator projections.
- lindblad_basis{‘auto’, ‘PP’, ‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘qt’}, optional
The basis used for Lindblad terms. Default is ‘auto’.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis for this error generator’s linear mapping. Default is ‘pp’.
- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints. Default is True. (e.g. to preserve CPTP) when necessary. If False, then an error is thrown when the Lindblad terms don’t conform to the constrains.
- evotype{“default”, “densitymx”, “svterm”, “cterm”}, optional
The evolution type of the error generator being constructed. Default is “default”.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for the error generator. Default is None.
- classmethod from_operation_matrix(op_matrix, parameterization='CPTP', lindblad_basis='PP', mx_basis='pp', truncate=True, evotype='default', state_space=None)
Creates a Lindblad-parameterized error generator from an operation.
Here “operation” means the exponentiated error generator, so this method essentially takes the matrix log of op_matrix and constructs an error generator from this using
- op_matrixnumpy array or SciPy sparse matrix
A square 2D array that gives the raw operation matrix, assumed to be in the mx_basis basis. The shape of this array sets the dimension of the operation.
- parameterizationstr, optional (default ‘CPTP’)
Describes how the Lindblad coefficients/projections relate to the error generator’s parameter values. Default is “CPTP”. Supported strings are those castable to LindbladParameterization. See LindbladParameterization for supported options.
- lindblad_basis{‘PP’, ‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘qt’}, optional
The basis used for Lindblad terms. Default is ‘PP’.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis for this error generator’s linear mapping. Default is ‘pp’. Allowed values are Matrix-unit (std), Gell-Mann (gm), Pauli-product (pp), and Qutrit (qt) (or a custom basis object).
- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints. Default is True.
- evotype{“default”, “densitymx”, “svterm”, “cterm”}, optional
The evolution type of the error generator being constructed. Default is “default”.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for the error generator. Default is None.
- classmethod from_error_generator(errgen_or_dim, parameterization='CPTP', lindblad_basis='PP', mx_basis='pp', truncate=True, evotype='default', state_space=None)
Create a Lindblad-parameterized error generator from an error generator matrix or dimension.
- errgen_or_dimnumpy array, SciPy sparse matrix, or int
A square 2D array that gives the full error generator or an integer specifying the dimension of a zero error generator.
- parameterizationstr, optional (default ‘CPTP’)
Describes how the Lindblad coefficients/projections relate to the error generator’s parameter values. Default is “CPTP”. Supported strings are those castable to LindbladParameterization. See LindbladParameterization for supported options.
- lindblad_basis{‘PP’, ‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘qt’}, optional
The basis used for Lindblad terms. Default is ‘PP’.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis for this error generator’s linear mapping. Default is ‘pp’. Allowed values are Matrix-unit (std), Gell-Mann (gm), Pauli-product (pp), and Qutrit (qt) (or a custom basis object).
- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints. Default is True.
- evotype{“default”, “densitymx”, “svterm”, “cterm”}, optional
The evolution type of the error generator being constructed. Default is “default”.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for the error generator. Default is None.
- classmethod from_error_generator_and_blocks(errgen_or_dim, lindblad_coefficient_blocks, lindblad_basis='PP', mx_basis='pp', truncate=True, evotype='default', state_space=None)
Create a Lindblad-parameterized error generator from an error generator matrix or dimension and coefficient blocks.
- errgen_or_dimnumpy array, SciPy sparse matrix, or int
A square 2D array that gives the full error generator or an integer specifying the dimension of a zero error generator.
- lindblad_coefficient_blockslist
A list of Lindblad coefficient blocks to set from the error generator projections.
- lindblad_basis{‘PP’, ‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘qt’}, optional
The basis used for Lindblad terms. Default is ‘PP’.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis for this error generator’s linear mapping. Default is ‘pp’.
- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints. Default is True.
- evotype{“default”, “densitymx”, “svterm”, “cterm”}, optional
The evolution type of the error generator being constructed. Default is “default”.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for the error generator. Default is None.
- classmethod from_elementary_errorgens(elementary_errorgens, parameterization='auto', elementary_errorgen_basis='PP', mx_basis='pp', truncate=True, evotype='default', state_space=None)
Create a Lindblad-parameterized error generator from elementary error generators.
- elementary_errorgensdict
A dictionary of elementary error generators. Keys are labels specifying the type and basis elements of the elementary error generators, and values are the corresponding coefficients. Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), “C” (Correlation) or “A” (Active). Hamiltonian and Stochastic terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas C and A tuples have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are pauli strings. Values are coefficients.
- parameterizationstr, optional (default ‘CPTP’)
Describes how the Lindblad coefficients/projections relate to the error generator’s parameter values. Default is “CPTP”. Supported strings are those castable to LindbladParameterization. See LindbladParameterization for supported options.
- elementary_errorgen_basis{‘PP’, ‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘qt’}, optional
The basis used for the elementary error generators. Default is ‘PP’.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object, optional
The basis for this error generator’s linear mapping. Default is ‘pp’.
- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints. Default is True.
- evotype{“default”, “densitymx”, “svterm”, “cterm”}, optional
The evolution type of the error generator being constructed. Default is “default”.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for the error generator. Default is None.
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return this error generator as a dense matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the error generator as a sparse matrix.
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get.
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying operation parameters from this operation.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- coefficients(return_basis=False, logscale_nonham=False)
Constructs a dictionary of the Lindblad-error-generator coefficients of this error generator.
Note that these are not necessarily the parameter values, as these coefficients are generally functions of the parameters (so as to keep the coefficients positive, for instance).
- return_basisbool
Whether to also return a
containing the elements with which the error generator terms were constructed.- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the non-hamiltonian error generator coefficients should be scaled so that the returned dict contains: (1 - exp(-d^2 * coeff)) / d^2 instead of coeff. This essentially converts the coefficient into a rate that is the contribution this term would have within a depolarizing channel where all stochastic generators had this same coefficient. This is the value returned by
- Ltermdictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), “C” (Correlation) or “A” (Active). Hamiltonian and Stochastic terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas C and A tuples have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are pauli strings. Values are coefficients.
- basisBasis
A Basis mapping the basis labels used in the keys of Ltermdict to basis matrices.
- coefficient_labels()
The elementary error-generator labels corresponding to the elements of
- tuple
A tuple of (<type>, <basisEl1> [,<basisEl2]) elements identifying the elementary error generators of this gate.
- coefficients_array()
The weighted coefficients of this error generator in terms of “standard” error generators.
Constructs a 1D array of all the coefficients returned by
, weighted so that different error generators can be weighted differently when a errorgen_penalty_factor is used in an objective function.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 1D array of length equal to the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this error generator.
- coefficients_array_deriv_wrt_params()
The jacobian of
with respect to this error generator’s parameters.Returns
- numpy.ndarray
A 2D array of shape (num_coeffs, num_params) where num_coeffs is the number of coefficients in the linear combination of standard error generators that is this error generator, and num_params is this error generator’s number of parameters.
- error_rates()
Constructs a dictionary of the error rates associated with this error generator.
The error rates pertain to the channel formed by exponentiating this object.
The “error rate” for an individual Hamiltonian error is the angle about the “axis” (generalized in the multi-qubit case) corresponding to a particular basis element, i.e. theta in the unitary channel U = exp(i * theta/2 * BasisElement).
The “error rate” for an individual Stochastic error is the contribution that basis element’s term would have to the error rate of a depolarization channel. For example, if the rate corresponding to the term (‘S’,’X’) is 0.01 this means that the coefficient of the rho -> X*rho*X-rho error generator is set such that if this coefficient were used for all 3 (X,Y, and Z) terms the resulting depolarizing channel would have error rate 3*0.01 = 0.03.
Note that because error generator terms do not necessarily commute with one another, the sum of the returned error rates is not necessarily the error rate of the overall channel.
- Ltermdictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), “C” (Correlation) or “A” (Active). Hamiltonian and Stochastic terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas C and A tuples have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are pauli strings. Values are coefficients. Values are real error rates except for the 2-basis-label case.
- set_coefficients(elementary_errorgens, action='update', logscale_nonham=False, truncate=True)
Sets the coefficients of elementary error generator terms in this error generator.
The dictionary lindblad_term_dict has tuple-keys describing the type of term and the basis elements used to construct it, e.g. (‘H’,’X’).
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), “C” (Correlation) or “A” (Active). Hamiltonian and Stochastic terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas C and A tuples have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are pauli strings.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error-generator coefficients.
- logscale_nonhambool, optional
Whether or not the values in lindblad_term_dict for non-hamiltonian error generators should be interpreted as error rates (of an “equivalent” depolarizing channel, see
) instead of raw coefficients. If True, then the non-hamiltonian coefficients are set to -log(1 - d^2*rate)/d^2, where rate is the corresponding value given in lindblad_term_dict. This is what is performed by the functionset_error_rates()
.- truncatebool, optional
Whether to truncate the projections onto the Lindblad terms in order to meet constraints (e.g. to preserve CPTP) when necessary. If False, then an error is thrown when the given coefficients cannot be parameterized as specified.
- set_error_rates(elementary_errorgens, action='update')
Sets the coeffcients of elementary error generator terms in this error generator.
Coefficients are set so that the contributions of the resulting channel’s error rate are given by the values in lindblad_term_dict. See
for more details.Parameters
- lindblad_term_dictdict
Keys are (termType, basisLabel1, <basisLabel2>) tuples, where termType is “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), “C” (Correlation) or “A” (Active). Hamiltonian and Stochastic terms always have a single basis label (so key is a 2-tuple) whereas C and A tuples have 2 basis labels to specify off-diagonal non-Hamiltonian Lindblad terms. Basis labels are pauli strings.
- action{“update”,”add”,”reset”}
How the values in lindblad_term_dict should be combined with existing error rates.
- coefficient_weights(weights)
Get the non-default coefficient weights.
This method returns a dictionary of coefficient weights that are not equal to the default value of 1.0.
- weightsdict
A dictionary where keys are coefficient labels and values are the corresponding weights.
- dict
A dictionary where keys are coefficient labels and values are the corresponding weights that are not equal to 1.0.
- set_coefficient_weights(weights)
Set the coefficient weights.
This method sets the weights for the coefficients of the error generator. If the coefficient weights array is not initialized, it initializes it to an array of ones.
- weightsdict
A dictionary where keys are coefficient labels and values are the corresponding weights to set.
- transform_inplace(s)
Update error generator E with inv(s) * E * s,
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened error generator matrix with respect to a single operator parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this error generator with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension^2, num_params1, num_params2)
- onenorm_upperbound()
Returns an upper bound on the 1-norm for this error generator (viewed as a matrix).
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.LindbladParameterization(block_types, param_modes, abbrev=None, meta=None)
An object encapsulating a particular way of parameterizing a LindbladErrorgen
A LindbladParameterization is a high-level parameterization-type (e.g. “H+S”) that contains two “modes” - one describing the number (and structure) of the non-Hamiltonian Lindblad coefficients (nonham_mode’) and one describing how the Lindblad coefficients are converted to/from parameters (`param_mode).
- nonham_modestr
The “non-Hamiltonian mode” describes which non-Hamiltonian Lindblad coefficients are stored in a LindbladOp, and is one of “diagonal” (only the diagonal elements of the full coefficient matrix as a 1D array), “diag_affine” (a 2-by-d array of the diagonal coefficients on top of the affine projections), or “all” (the entire coefficient matrix).
- param_modestr
The “parameter mode” describes how the Lindblad coefficients/projections are converted into parameter values. This can be: “unconstrained” (coefficients are independent unconstrained parameters), “cptp” (independent parameters but constrained so map is CPTP), “depol” (all non-Ham. diagonal coeffs are the same, positive value), or “reldepol” (same as “depol” but no positivity constraint).
- ham_params_allowed, nonham_params_allowedbool
Whether or not Hamiltonian and non-Hamiltonian parameters are allowed.
- block_types
- param_modes
- abbrev = 'None'
- meta = 'None'
- classmethod minimal_from_elementary_errorgens(errs)
Helper function giving minimal Lindblad parameterization needed for specified errors.
- errsdict
Error dictionary with keys as (termType, basisLabel) tuples, where termType can be “H” (Hamiltonian), “S” (Stochastic), or “A” (Active), and basisLabel is a string of I, X, Y, or Z, or to describe a Pauli basis element appropriate for the gate (i.e. having the same number of letters as there are qubits in the gate). For example, you could specify a 0.01-radian Z-rotation error and 0.05 rate of Pauli- stochastic X errors on a 1-qubit gate by using the error dictionary: {(‘H’,’Z’): 0.01, (‘S’,’X’): 0.05}.
- parameterizationstr
Parameterization string for constructing Lindblad error generators.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.LinearOperator(rep, evotype)
Base class for all operation representations
- repobject
A representation object containing the core data for this operator.
- evotypeEvotype
The evolution type.
- sizeint
Return the number of independent elements in this operation (when viewed as a dense array)
- dirtybool
Whether this object has been modified in a way that could have affected its parameters. A parent
uses this information to know when it needs to refresh it’s model-wide parameter vector.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property hilbert_schmidt_size
Return the number of independent elements in this operation as a dense Hilbert-Schmidt superoperator.
- property chp_str
A string suitable for printing to a CHP input file after probabilistically selecting operation.
- sstr
String of CHP code
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes mx. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- set_time(t)
Sets the current time for a time-dependent operator.
For time-independent operators (the default), this function does nothing.
- tfloat
The current time.
- abstract to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return this operation as a dense matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- acton(state, on_space='minimal')
Act with this operator upon state
- stateState
The state to act on
- State
The output state
- abstract to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return this operation as a sparse matrix.
- abstract taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get.
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- highmagnitude_terms(min_term_mag, force_firstorder=True, max_taylor_order=3, max_polynomial_vars=100)
Get terms with magnitude above min_term_mag.
Get the terms (from a Taylor expansion of this operator) that have magnitude above min_term_mag (the magnitude of a term is taken to be the absolute value of its coefficient), considering only those terms up to some maximum Taylor expansion order, max_taylor_order.
Note that this function also sets the magnitudes of the returned terms (by calling term.set_magnitude(…)) based on the current values of this operator’s parameters. This is an essential step to using these terms in pruned-path-integral calculations later on.
- min_term_magfloat
the threshold for term magnitudes: only terms with magnitudes above this value are returned.
- force_firstorderbool, optional
if True, then always return all the first-order Taylor-series terms, even if they have magnitudes smaller than min_term_mag. This behavior is needed for using GST with pruned-term calculations, as we may begin with a guess model that has no error (all terms have zero magnitude!) and still need to compute a meaningful jacobian at this point.
- max_taylor_orderint, optional
the maximum Taylor-order to consider when checking whether term- magnitudes exceed min_term_mag.
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- highmag_termslist
A list of the high-magnitude terms that were found. These terms are sorted in descending order by term-magnitude.
- first_order_indiceslist
A list of the indices into highmag_terms that mark which of these terms are first-order Taylor terms (useful when we’re forcing these terms to always be present).
- taylor_order_terms_above_mag(order, max_polynomial_vars, min_term_mag)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation that have magnitude above min_term_mag.
This function constructs the terms at the given order which have a magnitude (given by the absolute value of their coefficient) that is greater than or equal to min_term_mag. It calls
internally, so that all the terms at order order are typically cached for future calls.The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
The order of terms to get (and filter).
- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- min_term_magfloat
the minimum term magnitude.
- list
A list of
- frobeniusdist_squared(other_op, transform=None, inv_transform=None)
Return the squared frobenius difference between this operation and other_op
Optionally transforms this operation first using matrices transform and inv_transform. Specifically, this operation gets transfomed as: O => inv_transform * O * transform before comparison with other_op.
- other_opDenseOperator
The other operation.
- transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Transformation matrix.
- inv_transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Inverse of transform.
- frobeniusdist(other_op, transform=None, inv_transform=None)
Return the frobenius distance between this operation and other_op.
Optionally transforms this operation first using matrices transform and inv_transform. Specifically, this operation gets transfomed as: O => inv_transform * O * transform before comparison with other_op.
- other_opDenseOperator
The other operation.
- transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Transformation matrix.
- inv_transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Inverse of transform.
- residuals(other_op, transform=None, inv_transform=None)
The per-element difference between this DenseOperator and other_op.
Optionally, tansforming this operation first as O => inv_transform * O * transform.
- other_opDenseOperator
The operation to compare against.
- transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Transformation matrix.
- inv_transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Inverse of transform.
- numpy.ndarray
A 1D-array of size equal to that of the flattened operation matrix.
- jtracedist(other_op, transform=None, inv_transform=None)
Return the Jamiolkowski trace distance between this operation and other_op.
Optionally, tansforming this operation first as O => inv_transform * O * transform.
- other_opDenseOperator
The operation to compare against.
- transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Transformation matrix.
- inv_transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Inverse of transform.
- diamonddist(other_op, transform=None, inv_transform=None)
Return the diamond distance between this operation and other_op.
Optionally, tansforming this operation first as O => inv_transform * O * transform.
- other_opDenseOperator
The operation to compare against.
- transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Transformation matrix.
- inv_transformnumpy.ndarray, optional
Inverse of transform.
- transform_inplace(s)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O * s.
Generally, the transform function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is altered as described above. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
In this particular case any transform of the appropriate dimension is possible, since all operation matrix elements are parameters.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- spam_transform_inplace(s, typ)
Update operation matrix O with inv(s) * O OR O * s, depending on the value of typ.
This functions as transform_inplace(…) but is used when this operation is used as a part of a SPAM vector. When typ == “prep”, the spam vector is assumed to be rho = dot(self, <spamvec>), which transforms as rho -> inv(s) * rho, so self -> inv(s) * self. When typ == “effect”, e.dag = dot(e.dag, self) (note that self is NOT self.dag here), and e.dag -> e.dag * s so that self -> self * s.
- sGaugeGroupElement
A gauge group element which specifies the “s” matrix (and it’s inverse) used in the above similarity transform.
- typ{ ‘prep’, ‘effect’ }
Which type of SPAM vector is being transformed (see above).
- depolarize(amount)
Depolarize this operation by the given amount.
Generally, the depolarize function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is depolarized. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- amountfloat or tuple
The amount to depolarize by. If a tuple, it must have length equal to one less than the dimension of the operation. In standard bases, depolarization corresponds to multiplying the operation matrix by a diagonal matrix whose first diagonal element (corresponding to the identity) equals 1.0 and whose subsequent elements (corresponding to non-identity basis elements) equal 1.0 - amount[i] (or just 1.0 - amount if amount is a float).
- rotate(amount, mx_basis='gm')
Rotate this operation by the given amount.
Generally, the rotate function updates the parameters of the operation such that the resulting operation matrix is rotated. If such an update cannot be done (because the operation parameters do not allow for it), ValueError is raised.
- amounttuple of floats, optional
Specifies the rotation “coefficients” along each of the non-identity Pauli-product axes. The operation’s matrix G is composed with a rotation operation R (so G -> dot(R, G) ) where R is the unitary superoperator corresponding to the unitary operator U = exp( sum_k( i * rotate[k] / 2.0 * Pauli_k ) ). Here Pauli_k ranges over all of the non-identity un-normalized Pauli operators.
- mx_basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object
The source and destination basis, respectively. Allowed values are Matrix-unit (std), Gell-Mann (gm), Pauli-product (pp), and Qutrit (qt) (or a custom basis object).
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Constructs a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter. An empty 2D array in the StaticArbitraryOp case (num_params == 0).
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- has_nonzero_hessian()
Whether this operation has a non-zero Hessian with respect to its parameters.
(i.e. whether it only depends linearly on its parameters or not)
- hessian_wrt_params(wrt_filter1=None, wrt_filter2=None)
Construct the Hessian of this operation with respect to its parameters.
This function returns a tensor whose first axis corresponds to the flattened operation matrix and whose 2nd and 3rd axes correspond to the parameters that are differentiated with respect to.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 1st derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take 2nd derivatives with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Hessian with shape (dimension^2, num_params1, num_params2)
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.finite_difference_deriv_wrt_params(operation, wrt_filter, eps=1e-07)
Computes a finite-difference Jacobian for a LinearOperator object.
The returned value is a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter, matching the format expected from the operation’s deriv_wrt_params method.
- operationLinearOperator
The operation object to compute a Jacobian for.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to filter the result by (as though derivative is only taken with respect to these parameters).
- epsfloat, optional
The finite difference step to use.
- numpy.ndarray
An M by N matrix where M is the number of operation elements and N is the number of operation parameters.
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.finite_difference_hessian_wrt_params(operation, wrt_filter1, wrt_filter2, eps=0.0001)
Computes a finite-difference Hessian for a LinearOperator object.
The returned value is a tensor whose leading dimension corresponds to the elements of the flattened operation matrix, and whose remaining two dimensions correspond to derivatives with respect to the operations parameters (potentially filtered). This matches the format expected from the operation’s hessian_wrt_params method.
- operationLinearOperator
The operation object to compute a Hessian for.
- wrt_filter1list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to filter the result by (as though the 1st derivative is only taken with respect to these parameters).
- wrt_filter2list or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to filter the result by (as though the 2nd derivative is only taken with respect to these parameters).
- epsfloat, optional
The finite difference step to use.
- numpy.ndarray
An M by N1 by N2 tensor where M is the number of operation elements and N1 and N2 are numbers of operation parameters.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.LinearlyParamArbitraryOp(base_matrix, parameter_array, parameter_to_base_indices_map, left_transform=None, right_transform=None, real=False, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
An operation matrix parameterized such that each element depends only linearly on any parameter.
- basematrixnumpy array
a square 2D numpy array that acts as the starting point when constructin the operation’s matrix. The shape of this array sets the dimension of the operation.
- parameter_arraynumpy array
a 1D numpy array that holds the all the parameters for this operation. The shape of this array sets is what is returned by value_dimension(…).
- parameter_to_base_indices_mapdict
A dictionary with keys == index of a parameter (i.e. in parameter_array) and values == list of 2-tuples indexing potentially multiple operation matrix coordinates which should be set equal to this parameter.
- left_transformnumpy array or None, optional
A 2D array of the same shape as basematrix which left-multiplies the base matrix after parameters have been evaluated. Defaults to no transform_inplace.
- right_transformnumpy array or None, optional
A 2D array of the same shape as basematrix which right-multiplies the base matrix after parameters have been evaluated. Defaults to no transform_inplace.
- realbool, optional
Whether or not the resulting operation matrix, after all parameter evaluation and left & right transforms have been performed, should be real. If True, ValueError will be raised if the matrix contains any complex or imaginary elements.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- baseMatrix
- parameterArray
- numParams
- elementExpressions
- leftTrans = 'None'
- rightTrans = 'None'
- enforceReal = 'False'
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying operation parameters from this operation.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives, shape == (dimension^2, num_params)
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.OpFactory(state_space, evotype)
An object that can generate “on-demand” operators (can be SPAM vecs, etc., as well) for a Model.
It is assigned certain parameter indices (it’s a ModelMember), which definie the block of indices it may assign to its created operations.
The central method of an OpFactory object is the create_op method, which creates an operation that is associated with a given label. This is very similar to a LayerLizard’s function, though a LayerLizard has detailed knowledge and access to a Model’s internals whereas an OpFactory is meant to create a self-contained class of operators (e.g. continuously parameterized gates or on-demand embedding).
This class just provides a skeleton for an operation factory - derived classes add the actual code for creating custom objects.
- state_spaceStateSpace
The state-space of the operation(s) this factory builds.
- evotypeEvotype
The evolution type of the operation(s) this factory builds.
Initialize a new ModelMember
- abstract create_object(args=None, sslbls=None)
Create the object that implements the operation associated with the given args and sslbls.
Note to developers The difference beween this method and
is that this method just creates the foundational object without needing to setup its parameter indices (a technical detail which connects the created object with the originating factory’s parameters). The base-class create_op method calls create_object and then performs some additional setup on the returned object before returning it itself. Thus, unless you have a reason for implementing create_op it’s often more convenient and robust to implement this function.Parameters
- argslist or tuple
The arguments for the operation to be created. None means no arguments were supplied.
- sslblslist or tuple
The list of state space labels the created operator should act on. If None, then these labels are unspecified and should be irrelevant to the construction of the operator (which typically, in this case, has some fixed dimension and no noition of state space labels).
- ModelMember
Can be any type of operation, e.g. a LinearOperator, SPAMVec, Instrument, or POVM, depending on the label requested.
- create_op(args=None, sslbls=None)
Create the operation associated with the given args and sslbls.
- argslist or tuple
The arguments for the operation to be created. None means no arguments were supplied.
- sslblslist or tuple
The list of state space labels the created operator should act on. If None, then these labels are unspecified and should be irrelevant to the construction of the operator (which typically, in this case, has some fixed dimension and no noition of state space labels).
- ModelMember
Can be any type of operation, e.g. a LinearOperator, SPAMVec, Instrument, or POVM, depending on the label requested.
- create_simplified_op(args=None, sslbls=None, item_lbl=None)
Create the simplified operation associated with the given args, sslbls, and item_lbl.
Similar to as
, but returns a simplified operation (i.e. not a POVM or Instrument). In addition, the item_lbl argument must be used for POVMs and Instruments, as these need to know which (simple) member of themselves to return (this machinery still needs work).That is, if create_op returns something like a POVM or an Instrument, this method returns a single effect or instrument-member operation (a single linear-operator or SPAM vector).
- argslist or tuple
The arguments for the operation to be created. None means no arguments were supplied.
- sslblslist or tuple
The list of state space labels the created operator should act on. If None, then these labels are unspecified and should be irrelevant to the construction of the operator (which typically, in this case, has some fixed dimension and no noition of state space labels).
- item_lblstr, optional
Effect or instrument-member label (index) for factories that create POVMs or instruments, respectively.
- ModelMember
Can be any type of siple operation, e.g. a LinearOperator or SPAMVec, depending on the label requested.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.EmbeddedOpFactory(state_space, target_labels, factory_to_embed)
A factory that embeds a given factory’s action into a single, pre-defined set of target sectors.
- state_spaceStateSpace
The state space of this factory, describing the space of these that the operations produced by this factory act upon.
- target_labelslist of strs
The labels contained in state_space_labels which demarcate the portions of the state space acted on by the operations produced by factory_to_embed (the “contained” factory).
- factory_to_embedOpFactory
The factory object that is to be contained within this factory, and that specifies the only non-trivial action of the operations this factory produces.
Initialize a new ModelMember
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this OpFactory.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- embedded_factory
- target_labels
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- create_op(args=None, sslbls=None)
Create the operation associated with the given args and sslbls.
- argslist or tuple
The arguments for the operation to be created. None means no arguments were supplied.
- sslblslist or tuple
The list of state space labels the created operator should act on. If None, then these labels are unspecified and should be irrelevant to the construction of the operator (which typically, in this case, has some fixed dimension and no noition of state space labels).
- ModelMember
Can be any type of operation, e.g. a LinearOperator, State, Instrument, or POVM, depending on the label requested.
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying gate parameters from this OpFactory.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize this OpFactory using a vector of its parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of gate parameters. Length must == num_params().
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this factory’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.EmbeddingOpFactory(state_space, factory_or_op_to_embed, num_target_labels=None, allowed_sslbls_fn=None)
A factory that “on-demand” embeds a given factory or operation into any requested set of target sectors.
This is similar to an EmbeddedOpFactory except in this case how the “contained” operation/factory is embedded is not determined at creation time: the sslbls argument of
is used instead.Parameters
- state_spaceStateSpace
The state space of this factory, describing the space of these that the operations produced by this factory act upon.
- factory_or_op_to_embedLinearOperator or OpFactory
The factory or operation object that is to be contained within this factory. If a linear operator, this same operator (not a copy) is embedded however is requested. If a factory, then this object’s create_op method is called with any args that are passed to the embedding-factory’s create_op method, but the sslbls are always set to None (as they are processed by the embedding
- num_target_labelsint, optional
If not None, the number of target labels that should be expected (usually equal to the number of qubits the contained gate acts upon). If None, then the length of the sslbls passed to this factory’s create_op method is not checked at all.
- allowed_sslbls_fncallable, optional
A boolean function that takes a single sslbls argument specifying the state-space labels for which the factory has been asked to embed factory_or_op_to_embed. If the function returns True then the embedding is allowed, if False then an error is raised.
Initialize a new ModelMember
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this OpFactory.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- embedded_factory_or_op
- embeds_factory
- num_target_labels = 'None'
- allowed_sslbls_fn = 'None'
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- create_op(args=None, sslbls=None)
Create the operation associated with the given args and sslbls.
- argslist or tuple
The arguments for the operation to be created. None means no arguments were supplied.
- sslblslist or tuple
The list of state space labels the created operator should act on. If None, then these labels are unspecified and should be irrelevant to the construction of the operator (which typically, in this case, has some fixed dimension and no noition of state space labels).
- ModelMember
Can be any type of operation, e.g. a LinearOperator, State, Instrument, or POVM, depending on the label requested.
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying gate parameters from this OpFactory.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize this OpFactory using a vector of its parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of gate parameters. Length must == num_params().
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this factory’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.ComposedOpFactory(factories_or_ops_to_compose, state_space='auto', evotype='auto', dense=False)
A factory that composes a number of other factories and/or operations.
Label arguments are passed unaltered through this factory to any component factories.
- factories_or_ops_to_composelist
List of LinearOperator or OpFactory-derived objects that are composed to form this factory. There should be at least one factory among this list, otherwise there’s no need for a factory. Elements are composed with vectors in left-to-right ordering, maintaining the same convention as operation sequences in pyGSTi. Note that this is opposite from standard matrix multiplication order.
- state_spaceStateSpace or “auto”
States space of the operations produced by this factory. Can be set to “auto” to take the state space from factories_or_ops_to_compose[0] if there’s at least one factory or operator being composed.
- evotype{“densitymx”,”statevec”,”stabilizer”,”svterm”,”cterm”,”auto”}
The evolution type of this factory. Can be set to “auto” to take the evolution type of factories_or_ops_to_compose[0] if there’s at least one factory or operator being composed.
- densebool, optional
Whether dense composed operations (ops which hold their entire superoperator) should be created. (Currently UNUSED - leave as default).
Initialize a new ModelMember
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this factory.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- factors
- dense = 'False'
- is_factory
- create_op(args=None, sslbls=None)
Create the operation associated with the given args and sslbls.
- argslist or tuple
The arguments for the operation to be created. None means no arguments were supplied.
- sslblslist or tuple
The list of state space labels the created operator should act on. If None, then these labels are unspecified and should be irrelevant to the construction of the operator (which typically, in this case, has some fixed dimension and no noition of state space labels).
- ModelMember
Can be any type of operation, e.g. a LinearOperator, State, Instrument, or POVM, depending on the label requested.
- to_vector()
Get the parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize this factory using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of gate parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this factory’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.RepeatedOp(op_to_repeat, num_repetitions, evotype='auto')
An operation map that is the composition of a number of map-like factors (possibly other LinearOperator)
- op_to_repeatlist
A LinearOperator-derived object that is repeated some integer number of times to produce this operator.
- num_repetitionsint
the power to exponentiate op_to_exponentiate to.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype. The special value “auto” uses the evolutio ntype of op_to_repeat.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property parameter_labels
An array of labels (usually strings) describing this model member’s parameters.
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- repeated_op
- num_repetitions
- set_time(t)
Sets the current time for a time-dependent operator.
For time-independent operators (the default), this function does nothing.
- tfloat
The current time.
- to_sparse(on_space='minimal')
Return the operation as a sparse matrix
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return this operation as a dense matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Constructs a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter. An empty 2D array in the StaticArbitraryOp case (num_params == 0).
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.StaticArbitraryOp(m, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
An operation matrix that is completely fixed, or “static” (i.e. that posesses no parameters).
- marray_like or LinearOperator
a square 2D array-like or LinearOperator object representing the operation action. The shape of m sets the dimension of the operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.StaticCliffordOp(unitary, symplecticrep=None, basis='pp', evotype='default', state_space=None)
A Clifford operation, represented via a symplectic matrix.
- unitarynumpy.ndarray
The unitary action of the clifford operation.
- symplecticreptuple, optional
A (symplectic matrix, phase vector) 2-tuple specifying the pre- computed symplectic representation of unitary. If None, then this representation is computed automatically from unitary.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’}, optional
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator.
- evotypeEvotype or str
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property smatrix
- property svector
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- unitary
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
Which order terms (in a Taylor expansion of this
) to retrieve.- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return the dense array used to represent this operation within its evolution type.
Note: for efficiency, this doesn’t copy the underlying data, so the caller should copy this data before modifying it.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.StaticStandardOp(name, basis='pp', evotype='default', state_space=None)
An operation that is completely fixed, or “static” (i.e. that posesses no parameters) that can be constructed from “standard” gate names (as defined in
- namestr
Standard gate name
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’}, optional
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- name
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return the dense array used to represent this operation within its evolution type.
Note: for efficiency, this doesn’t copy the underlying data, so the caller should copy this data before modifying it.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
Which order terms (in a Taylor expansion of this
) to retrieve.- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.StaticUnitaryOp(m, basis='pp', evotype='default', state_space=None)
A unitary operation matrix that is completely fixed, or “static” (i.e. that posesses no parameters).
- marray_like or LinearOperator
a square 2D array-like or LinearOperator object representing the operation action. The shape of m sets the dimension of the operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’}, optional
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
Which order terms (in a Taylor expansion of this
) to retrieve.- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.StochasticNoiseOp(state_space, stochastic_basis='PP', basis='pp', evotype='default', initial_rates=None, seed_or_state=None)
A stochastic noise operation.
Implements the stochastic noise map: rho -> (1-sum(p_i))rho + sum_(i>0) p_i * B_i * rho * B_i^dagger where p_i > 0 and sum(p_i) < 1, and B_i is basis where B_0 is the identity.
In the case of the ‘chp’ evotype, the B_i element is returned with probability p_i, such that the outcome distribution matches the aforementioned stochastic noise map when considered over many samples.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’qt’}, optional
The basis to use, defining the “principle axes” along which there is stochastic noise. We assume that the first element of basis is the identity.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- initial_rateslist or array
if not None, a list of basis.size-1 initial error rates along each of the directions corresponding to each basis element. If None, then all initial rates are zero.
- seed_or_statefloat or RandomState, optional
Random seed for RandomState (or directly provided RandomState) for sampling stochastic superoperators with the ‘chp’ evotype.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- property total_term_magnitude
Get the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms.
The magnitude of a term is the absolute value of its coefficient, so this function returns the number you’d get from summing up the absolute-coefficients of all the Taylor terms (at all orders!) you get from expanding this operator in a Taylor series.
- property total_term_magnitude_deriv
The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.
Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.
- numpy array
An array of length self.num_params
- property kraus_operators
A list of this operation’s Kraus operators as numpy arrays.
- basis
- params
- stochastic_basis
- to_dense(on_space='minimal')
Return this operation as a dense matrix.
- on_space{‘minimal’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘HilbertSchmidt’}
The space that the returned dense operation acts upon. For unitary matrices and bra/ket vectors, use ‘Hilbert’. For superoperator matrices and super-bra/super-ket vectors use ‘HilbertSchmidt’. ‘minimal’ means that ‘Hilbert’ is used if possible given this operator’s evolution type, and otherwise ‘HilbertSchmidt’ is used.
- to_vector()
Extract a vector of the underlying operation parameters from this operation.
- numpy array
a 1D numpy array with length == num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- taylor_order_terms(order, max_polynomial_vars=100, return_coeff_polys=False)
Get the order-th order Taylor-expansion terms of this operation.
This function either constructs or returns a cached list of the terms at the given order. Each term is “rank-1”, meaning that its action on a density matrix rho can be written:
rho -> A rho B
The coefficients of these terms are typically polynomials of the operation’s parameters, where the polynomial’s variable indices index the global parameters of the operation’s parent (usually a
), not the operation’s local parameter array (i.e. that returned from to_vector).Parameters
- orderint
Which order terms (in a Taylor expansion of this
) to retrieve.- max_polynomial_varsint, optional
maximum number of variables the created polynomials can have.
- return_coeff_polysbool
Whether a parallel list of locally-indexed (using variable indices corresponding to this object’s parameters rather than its parent’s) polynomial coefficients should be returned as well.
- termslist
A list of
objects.- coefficientslist
Only present when return_coeff_polys == True. A list of compact polynomial objects, meaning that each element is a (vtape,ctape) 2-tuple formed by concatenating together the output of
- set_kraus_operators(kraus_operators)
Set the parameters of this operation by specifying its Kraus operators.
- kraus_operatorslist
A list of numpy arrays, each of which specifies a Kraus operator.
- to_memoized_dict(mmg_memo)
Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.
- mmg_memo: dict
Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).
- mm_dict: dict
A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.
- class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.AffineShiftOp(m, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
An operation matrix that induces an affine shift.
An operation matrix with ones on the diagonal and nonzero values in the first columns.
Meant to work in the Pauli basis for now.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
a square 2D array-like or LinearOperator object representing the operation action. The shape of m sets the dimension of the operation.
- basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’std’} or None
The basis used to construct the Hilbert-Schmidt space representation of this state as a super-operator. If None, certain functionality, such as access to Kraus operators, will be unavailable.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
- basenumpy.ndarray
Direct access to the underlying process matrix data.
Initialize a new LinearOperator
- property num_params
Get the number of independent parameters which specify this operation.
- int
the number of independent parameters.
- set_dense(m)
Set the dense-matrix value of this operation.
Attempts to modify operation parameters so that the specified raw operation matrix becomes m. Will raise ValueError if this operation is not possible.
- marray_like or LinearOperator
An array of shape (dim, dim) or LinearOperator representing the operation action.
- to_vector()
Get the operation parameters as an array of values.
- numpy array
The operation parameters as a 1D array with length num_params().
- from_vector(v, close=False, dirty_value=True)
Initialize the operation using a vector of parameters.
- vnumpy array
The 1D vector of operation parameters. Length must == num_params()
- closebool, optional
Whether v is close to this operation’s current set of parameters. Under some circumstances, when this is true this call can be completed more quickly.
- dirty_valuebool, optional
The value to set this object’s “dirty flag” to before exiting this call. This is passed as an argument so it can be updated recursively. Leave this set to True unless you know what you’re doing.
- deriv_wrt_params(wrt_filter=None)
The element-wise derivative this operation.
Construct a matrix whose columns are the vectorized derivatives of the flattened operation matrix with respect to a single operation parameter. Thus, each column is of length op_dim^2 and there is one column per operation parameter.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to take derivative with respect to. (None means to use all the this operation’s parameters.)
- numpy array
Array of derivatives with shape (dimension^2, num_params)
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.create_from_unitary_mx(unitary_mx, op_type, basis='pp', stdname=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
TODO: docstring - note that op_type can be a list/tuple of types in order of precedence
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.create_from_superop_mx(superop_mx, op_type, basis='pp', stdname=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.verbose_type_from_op_type(op_type)
Decode an op type into the “canonical”, more verbose op type.
- op_type: str or list of str
Operation parameterization type (or list of preferences)
- povm_type_preferences: tuple of str
POVM parameterization types
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.convert_errorgen(errorgen, to_type, basis, flatten_structure=False)
TODO: docstring
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.convert(operation, to_type, basis, ideal_operation=None, flatten_structure=False, cptp_truncation_tol=1e-06)
Convert operation to a new type of parameterization.
This potentially creates a new LinearOperator object, and Raises ValueError for invalid conversions.
- operationLinearOperator
LinearOperator to convert
- to_type{“full”,”full TP”,”static”,”static unitary”,”clifford”,LINDBLAD}
The type of parameterizaton to convert to. “LINDBLAD” is a placeholder for the various Lindblad parameterization types. See
for more details.- basis{‘std’, ‘gm’, ‘pp’, ‘qt’} or Basis object
The basis for operation. Allowed values are Matrix-unit (std), Gell-Mann (gm), Pauli-product (pp), and Qutrit (qt) (or a custom basis object).
- ideal_operationLinearOperator or “identity”, optional
The ideal (usually unitary) version of operation, potentially used when converting to an error-generator type. The special value “identity” can be used to indicate that the ideal operation is the identity.
- flatten_structurebool, optional
When False, the sub-members of composed and embedded operations are separately converted, leaving the original operation’s structure unchanged. When True, composed and embedded operations are “flattened” into a single operation of the requested to_type.
- cptp_truncation_tolfloat, optional (default 1e-6)
Tolerance used for conversion to CPTP parameterizations. When converting to CPTP models negative eigenvalues of the choi matrix representation of a superoperator are truncated, which can result in a change in the PTM for that operator. This tolerance indicates the maximum amount of truncation induced deviation from the original operations (measured by frobenius distance) we’re willing to accept without marking the conversion as failed.
- LinearOperator
The converted operation, usually a distinct object from the operation object passed as input.
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.check_deriv_wrt_params(operation, deriv_to_check=None, wrt_filter=None, eps=1e-07)
Checks the deriv_wrt_params method of a LinearOperator object.
This routine is meant to be used as an aid in testing and debugging operation classes by comparing the finite-difference Jacobian that should be returned by operation.deriv_wrt_params with the one that actually is. A ValueError is raised if the two do not match.
- operationLinearOperator
The operation object to test.
- deriv_to_checknumpy.ndarray or None, optional
If not None, the Jacobian to compare against the finite difference result. If None, operation.deriv_wrt_parms() is used. Setting this argument can be useful when the function is called within a LinearOperator class’s deriv_wrt_params() method itself as a part of testing.
- wrt_filterlist or numpy.ndarray
List of parameter indices to filter the result by (as though derivative is only taken with respect to these parameters).
- epsfloat, optional
The finite difference step to use.
- pygsti.modelmembers.operations.optimize_operation(op_to_optimize, target_op)
Optimize the parameters of op_to_optimize.
Optimization is performed so that the the resulting operation matrix is as close as possible to target_op’s matrix.
This is trivial for the case of FullArbitraryOp instances, but for other types of parameterization this involves an iterative optimization over all the parameters of op_to_optimize.
- op_to_optimizeLinearOperator
The operation to optimize. This object gets altered.
- target_opLinearOperator
The operation whose matrix is used as the target.