
The DepolarizeOp class and supporting functionality.

Module Contents



A depolarizing channel.

class pygsti.modelmembers.operations.depolarizeop.DepolarizeOp(state_space, basis='PP', evotype='default', initial_rate=0, seed_or_state=None)

Bases: pygsti.modelmembers.operations.stochasticop.StochasticNoiseOp

A depolarizing channel.


state_spaceStateSpace, optional

The state space for this operation.

basisBasis or {‘pp’,’gm’,’qt’}, optional

The basis to use, defining the “principle axes” along which there is stochastic noise. While strictly unnecessary since all complete bases yield the same operator, this affects the underlying StochasticNoiseOp and so is given as an option to the user.

evotypeEvotype or str, optional

The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.

initial_ratefloat, optional

the initial error rate.

seed_or_statefloat or RandomState, optional

Random seed for RandomState (or directly provided RandomState) for sampling stochastic superoperators with the ‘chp’ evotype.

Initialize a new LinearOperator

property total_term_magnitude_deriv

The derivative of the sum of all this operator’s terms.

Computes the derivative of the total (sum) of the magnitudes of all this operator’s terms with respect to the operators (local) parameters.

numpy array

An array of length self.num_params


Create a serializable dict with references to other objects in the memo.

mmg_memo: dict

Memo dict from a ModelMemberGraph, i.e. keys are object ids and values are ModelMemberGraphNodes (which contain the serialize_id). This is NOT the same as other memos in ModelMember (e.g. copy, allocate_gpindices, etc.).

mm_dict: dict

A dict representation of this ModelMember ready for serialization This must have at least the following fields: module, class, submembers, params, state_space, evotype Additional fields may be added by derived classes.