
pyGSTi Processors Python Package


Package Contents



The API presented by a quantum processor, and possible classical control processors.


The device specification for a one or more qudit quantum computer.


The device specification for a one or more qudit quantum computer.


A prescription for creating ("compiling") a set of gates based on another set.


An collection of compilations for clifford gates.

class pygsti.processors.ProcessorSpec

Bases: pygsti.baseobjs.nicelyserializable.NicelySerializable

The API presented by a quantum processor, and possible classical control processors.

Operation names and ideal actions (e.g. gate names and their unitaries) are stored in a processor specification, as is the availability of the different operations and overall proccesor geometry. Processor specifications do not include any information about how operations are parameterized or can be adjusted (at least not yet).

class pygsti.processors.QubitProcessorSpec(num_qubits, gate_names, nonstd_gate_unitaries=None, availability=None, geometry=None, qubit_labels=None, nonstd_gate_symplecticreps=None, prep_names=('rho0',), povm_names=('Mdefault',), instrument_names=(), nonstd_preps=None, nonstd_povms=None, nonstd_instruments=None, aux_info=None)

Bases: QuditProcessorSpec

The device specification for a one or more qudit quantum computer.



The number of qubits in the device.

gate_nameslist of strings

The names of gates in the device. This may include standard gate names known by pyGSTi (see below) or names which appear in the nonstd_gate_unitaries argument. The set of standard gate names includes, but is not limited to:

  • ‘Gi’ : the 1Q idle operation

  • ‘Gx’,’Gy’,’Gz’ : 1-qubit pi/2 rotations

  • ‘Gxpi’,’Gypi’,’Gzpi’ : 1-qubit pi rotations

  • ‘Gh’ : Hadamard

  • ‘Gp’ : phase or S-gate (i.e., ((1,0),(0,i)))

  • ‘Gcphase’,’Gcnot’,’Gswap’ : standard 2-qubit gates

Alternative names can be used for all or any of these gates, but then they must be explicitly defined in the nonstd_gate_unitaries dictionary. Including any standard names in nonstd_gate_unitaries overrides the default (builtin) unitary with the one supplied.

nonstd_gate_unitaries: dictionary of numpy arrays

A dictionary with keys that are gate names (strings) and values that are numpy arrays specifying quantum gates in terms of unitary matrices. This is an additional “lookup” database of unitaries - to add a gate to this QubitProcessorSpec its names still needs to appear in the gate_names list. This dictionary’s values specify additional (target) native gates that can be implemented in the device as unitaries acting on ordinary pure-state-vectors, in the standard computationl basis. These unitaries need not, and often should not, be unitaries acting on all of the qubits. E.g., a CNOT gate is specified by a key that is the desired name for CNOT, and a value that is the standard 4 x 4 complex matrix for CNOT. All gate names must start with ‘G’. As an advanced behavior, a unitary-matrix-returning function which takes a single argument - a tuple of label arguments - may be given instead of a single matrix to create an operation factory which allows continuously-parameterized gates. This function must also return an empty/dummy unitary when None is given as it’s argument.

availabilitydict, optional

A dictionary whose keys are some subset of the keys (which are gate names) nonstd_gate_unitaries and the strings (which are gate names) in gate_names and whose values are lists of qubit-label-tuples. Each qubit-label-tuple must have length equal to the number of qubits the corresponding gate acts upon, and causes that gate to be available to act on the specified qubits. Instead of a list of tuples, values of availability may take the special values “all-permutations” and “all-combinations”, which as their names imply, equate to all possible permutations and combinations of the appropriate number of qubit labels (deterined by the gate’s dimension). If a gate name is not present in availability, the default is “all-permutations”. So, the availability of a gate only needs to be specified when it cannot act in every valid way on the qubits (e.g., the device does not have all-to-all connectivity).

geometry{“line”,”ring”,”grid”,”torus”} or QubitGraph, optional

The type of connectivity among the qubits, specifying a graph used to define neighbor relationships. Alternatively, a QubitGraph object with qubit_labels as the node labels may be passed directly. This argument is only used as a convenient way of specifying gate availability (edge connections are used for gates whose availability is unspecified by availability or whose value there is “all-edges”).

qubit_labelslist or tuple, optional

The labels (integers or strings) of the qubits. If None, then the integers starting with zero are used.

nonstd_gate_symplecticrepsdict, optional

A dictionary similar to nonstd_gate_unitaries that supplies, instead of a unitary matrix, the symplectic representation of a Clifford operations, given as a 2-tuple of numpy arrays.

aux_infodict, optional

Any additional information that should be attached to this processor spec.

property qubit_labels

The qubit labels.

property qubit_graph

The qubit graph (geometry).

property num_qubits

The number of qudits.


The number of qubits that a given gate acts upon.


The name of the gate.




Constructs a dictionary mapping tuples of state space labels to the operations available on them.


A dictionary with keys that are state space label tuples and values that are lists of gate labels, giving the available gates on those target labels.

subset(gate_names_to_include='all', qubit_labels_to_keep='all')

Construct a smaller processor specification by keeping only a select set of gates from this processor spec.

gate_names_to_includelist or tuple or set

The gate names that should be included in the returned processor spec.




Creates a new QubitProcessorSpec whose qubit labels are updated according to the mapping function mapper.

mapperdict or function

A dictionary whose keys are the existing self.qubit_labels values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing qubit-label) argument and returns a new qubit label.




Invalidates LRU caches for all compute_* methods of this object, forcing them to recompute their values.

The compute_* methods of this processor spec compute various relationships and properties of its gates. These routines can be computationally intensive, and so their values are cached for performance. If the gates of a processor spec changes and its compute_* methods are used, force_recompute_gate_relationships should be called.


Constructs a dictionary of the symplectic representations for all the Clifford gates in this processor spec.

gatename_filteriterable, optional

A list, tuple, or set of gate names whose symplectic representations should be returned (if they exist).


keys are gate names, values are (symplectic_matrix, phase_vector) tuples.


Computes the basic pair-wise relationships relationships between the gates.

1. It multiplies all possible combinations of two 1-qubit gates together, from the full model available to in this device. If the two gates multiple to another 1-qubit gate from this set of gates this is recorded in the dictionary self.oneQgate_relations. If the 1-qubit gate with name name1 followed by the 1-qubit gate with name name2 multiple (up to phase) to the gate with name3, then self.oneQgate_relations[name1,`name2`] = name3.

2. If the inverse of any 1-qubit gate is contained in the model, this is recorded in the dictionary self.gate_inverse.


Keys are (gatename1, gatename2) and values are either the gate name of the product of the two gates or None, signifying the identity.


Keys and values are gate names, mapping a gate name to its inverse gate (if one exists).


Computes the inverses of multi-qubit (>1 qubit) gates.

Finds whether any of the multi-qubit gates in this device also have their inverse in the model. That is, if the unitaries for the multi-qubit gate with name name1 followed by the multi-qubit gate (of the same dimension) with name name2 multiple (up to phase) to the identity, then gate_inverse[name1] = name2 and gate_inverse[name2] = name1

1-qubit gates are not computed by this method, as they are be computed by the method compute_one_qubit_gate_relations().


Keys and values are gate names, mapping a gate name to its inverse gate (if one exists).


Constructs a dictionary mapping tuples of state space labels to the clifford operations available on them.


A dictionary with keys that are state space label tuples and values that are lists of gate labels, giving the available Clifford gates on those target labels.


Constructs a graph encoding the connectivity between qubits via 2-qubit Clifford gates.


A graph with nodes equal to the qubit labels and edges present whenever there is a 2-qubit Clifford gate between the vertex qubits.


Constructs a graph encoding the connectivity between qubits via 2-qubit gates.


A graph with nodes equal to the qubit labels and edges present whenever there is a 2-qubit gate between the vertex qubits.

class pygsti.processors.QuditProcessorSpec(qudit_labels, qudit_udims, gate_names, nonstd_gate_unitaries=None, availability=None, geometry=None, prep_names=('rho0',), povm_names=('Mdefault',), instrument_names=(), nonstd_preps=None, nonstd_povms=None, nonstd_instruments=None, aux_info=None)

Bases: ProcessorSpec

The device specification for a one or more qudit quantum computer.



The number of qubits in the device.

gate_nameslist of strings

The names of gates in the device. This may include standard gate names known by pyGSTi (see below) or names which appear in the nonstd_gate_unitaries argument. The set of standard gate names includes, but is not limited to:

  • ‘Gi’ : the 1Q idle operation

  • ‘Gx’,’Gy’,’Gz’ : 1-qubit pi/2 rotations

  • ‘Gxpi’,’Gypi’,’Gzpi’ : 1-qubit pi rotations

  • ‘Gh’ : Hadamard

  • ‘Gp’ : phase or S-gate (i.e., ((1,0),(0,i)))

  • ‘Gcphase’,’Gcnot’,’Gswap’ : standard 2-qubit gates

Alternative names can be used for all or any of these gates, but then they must be explicitly defined in the nonstd_gate_unitaries dictionary. Including any standard names in nonstd_gate_unitaries overrides the default (builtin) unitary with the one supplied.

nonstd_gate_unitaries: dictionary of numpy arrays

A dictionary with keys that are gate names (strings) and values that are numpy arrays specifying quantum gates in terms of unitary matrices. This is an additional “lookup” database of unitaries - to add a gate to this QubitProcessorSpec its names still needs to appear in the gate_names list. This dictionary’s values specify additional (target) native gates that can be implemented in the device as unitaries acting on ordinary pure-state-vectors, in the standard computationl basis. These unitaries need not, and often should not, be unitaries acting on all of the qubits. E.g., a CNOT gate is specified by a key that is the desired name for CNOT, and a value that is the standard 4 x 4 complex matrix for CNOT. All gate names must start with ‘G’. As an advanced behavior, a unitary-matrix-returning function which takes a single argument - a tuple of label arguments - may be given instead of a single matrix to create an operation factory which allows continuously-parameterized gates. This function must also return an empty/dummy unitary when None is given as it’s argument.

availabilitydict, optional

A dictionary whose keys are some subset of the keys (which are gate names) nonstd_gate_unitaries and the strings (which are gate names) in gate_names and whose values are lists of qubit-label-tuples. Each qubit-label-tuple must have length equal to the number of qubits the corresponding gate acts upon, and causes that gate to be available to act on the specified qubits. Instead of a list of tuples, values of availability may take the special values “all-permutations” and “all-combinations”, which as their names imply, equate to all possible permutations and combinations of the appropriate number of qubit labels (deterined by the gate’s dimension). If a gate name is not present in availability, the default is “all-permutations”. So, the availability of a gate only needs to be specified when it cannot act in every valid way on the qubits (e.g., the device does not have all-to-all connectivity).

geometry{“line”,”ring”,”grid”,”torus”} or QubitGraph, optional

The type of connectivity among the qubits, specifying a graph used to define neighbor relationships. Alternatively, a QubitGraph object with qubit_labels as the node labels may be passed directly. This argument is only used as a convenient way of specifying gate availability (edge connections are used for gates whose availability is unspecified by availability or whose value there is “all-edges”).

qubit_labelslist or tuple, optional

The labels (integers or strings) of the qubits. If None, then the integers starting with zero are used.

aux_infodict, optional

Any additional information that should be attached to this processor spec.

TODO: update this docstring for qudits

property num_qudits

The number of qudits.

property primitive_op_labels

All the primitive operation labels derived from the gate names and availabilities

property idle_gate_names

The gate names that correspond to idle operations.

property global_idle_gate_name

The (first) gate name that corresponds to a global idle operation.

property global_idle_layer_label

Similar to global_idle_gate_name but include the appropriate sslbls (either None or all the qudits)


The specifier for a given state preparation name.

The returned value specifies a state in one of several ways. It can either be a string identifying a standard state preparation (like “rho0”), or a complex array describing a pure state.


The name of the state preparation to access.


str or numpy.ndarray


The specifier for a given POVM name.

The returned value specifies a POVM in one of several ways. It can either be a string identifying a standard POVM (like “Mz”), or a dictionary with values describing the pure states that each element of the POVM projects onto. Each value can be either a string describing a standard state or a complex array.


The name of the POVM to access.


str or numpy.ndarray


The specifier for a given instrument name.

The returned value specifies an instrument in one of several ways. It can either be a string identifying a standard instrument (like “Iz”), or a dictionary with values that are lists/tuples of 2-tuples describing each instrument member as the sum of rank-1 process matrices. Each 2-tuple element can be a string describing a standard state or a complex array describing an arbitrary pure state.


The name of the state preparation to access.


str or dict


The number of qudits that a given gate acts upon.


The name of the gate.



rename_gate_inplace(existing_gate_name, new_gate_name)

Renames a gate within this processor specification.


The existing gate name you want to change.


The new gate name.



resolved_availability(gate_name, tuple_or_function='auto')

The availability of a given gate, resolved as either a tuple of sslbl-tuples or a function.

This function does more than just access the availability attribute, as this may hold special values like “all-edges”. It takes the value of self.availability[gate_name] and resolves and converts it into the desired format: either a tuple of state-space labels or a function with a single state-space-labels-tuple argument.


The gate name to get the availability of.

tuple_or_function{‘tuple’, ‘function’, ‘auto’}

The type of object to return. ‘tuple’ means a tuple of state space label tuples, e.g. ((0,1), (1,2)). ‘function’ means a function that takes a single state space label tuple argument and returns True or False to indicate whether the gate is available on the given target labels. If ‘auto’ is given, then either a tuple or function is returned - whichever is more computationally convenient.


tuple or function


Check whether a gate at a given location is available.


The gate name and target labels to check availability of.




List all the gate names that are available within a set of state space labels.

This function finds all the gate names that are available for at least a subset of sslbls.


The state space labels to find availability within.

tuple of strings

A tuple of gate names (strings).

available_gatelabels(gate_name, sslbls)

List all the gate labels that are available for gate_name on at least a subset of sslbls.


The gate name.


The state space labels to find availability within.

tuple of Labels

The available gate labels (all with name gate_name).


Constructs a dictionary mapping tuples of state space labels to the operations available on them.


A dictionary with keys that are state space label tuples and values that are lists of gate labels, giving the available gates on those target labels.

subset(gate_names_to_include='all', qudit_labels_to_keep='all')

Construct a smaller processor specification by keeping only a select set of gates from this processor spec.

gate_names_to_includelist or tuple or set

The gate names that should be included in the returned processor spec.




Creates a new QuditProcessorSpec whose qudit labels are updated according to the mapping function mapper.

mapperdict or function

A dictionary whose keys are the existing self.qudit_labels values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing qudit-label) argument and returns a new qudit label.



class pygsti.processors.CompilationRules(compilation_rules_dict=None)

Bases: object

A prescription for creating (“compiling”) a set of gates based on another set.

A CompilationRules object contains a dictionary of gate unitaries, much like a ProcessorSpec, and instructions for creating these gates. The instructions can be given explicitly as circuits corresponding to a given gate, or implicitly as functions. Instructions can be given for gate names (e.g. “Gx”), regardless of the target state space labels of the gate, as well as for specific gate locations (e.g. (“Gx”,2)).



A dictionary of initial rules, which can be specified in multiple formats. Keys can be either gate names as strings or gate labels as a Label object. Values are 2-tuples of (gate unitary, gate template). The gate unitary can either be a unitary matrix, function returning a matrix, or None if the gate name is a standard PyGSTi unitary. The gate template is either a Circuit with local state space labels (i.e. 0..k-1 for k qubits) or a function that takes the target gate label and returns the proper Circuit. If the key is a gate label, the gate template (second entry of the value tuple) MUST be a Circuit with absolute state space labels.

classmethod cast(obj)

Convert an object into compilation rules, if it isn’t already.


The object to convert.



add_compilation_rule(gate_name, template_circuit_or_fn, unitary=None)

Add a compilation rule for a gate name, given as a circuit or function.


The gate name to add a rule for.

template_circuit_or_fnCircuit or callable

The rule. This can be specified as either a circuit or as a function. If a circuit is given, it must be on the gate’s local state space, assumed to be a k-qubit space (for a k-qubit gate) with qubit labels 0 to k-1. That is, the circuit must have line labels equal to 0…k-1. If a function if given, the function must take as a single argument a tuple of state space labels that specify the target labels of the gate.


The unitary corresponding to the gate. This can be left as None if gate_name names a standard or internal gate known to pyGSTi.



add_specific_compilation_rule(gate_label, circuit, unitary)

Add a compilation rule for a gate at a specific location (target labels)


The gate label to add a rule for. Includes the gate’s name and its target state space labels (gate_label.sslbls).


The rule, given as a circuit on the gate’s local state space, i.e. the circuit’s line labels should be the same as gate_label.sslbls.


The unitary corresponding to the gate. This can be left as None if names a standard or internal gate known to pyGSTi.




Create auxiliary information that should be stored along with the compilation rules herein.

(Currently unused, but perhaps useful in the future.)



retrieve_compilation_of(oplabel, force=False)

Get a compilation of oplabel, computing one from local templates if necessary.


The label of the gate to compile.

forcebool, optional

If True, then an attempt is made to recompute a compilation even if oplabel already exists in this CompilationLibrary. Otherwise compilations are only computed when they are not present.


Circuit or None, if failed to retrieve compilation

apply_to_processorspec(processor_spec, action='replace', gates_to_skip=None)

Use these compilation rules to convert one processor specification into another one.


The initial processor specification, which should contain the gates present within the circuits/functions of this compilation rules object.

action{“replace”, “add”}

Whether the existing gates in processor_spec are conveyed to the the returned processor spec. If “replace”, then they are not conveyed, if “add” they are.


Gate names or labels to skip during processor specification construction.



apply_to_circuits(circuits, **kwargs)

Use these compilation rules to convert one list of circuits into another one.

Additional kwargs are passed through to Circuit.change_gate_library during translation. Common kwargs include depth_compression=False or allow_unchanged_gates=True.

circuitslist of Circuits

The initial circuits, which should contain the gates present within the circuits/functions of this compilation rules object.


list of Circuits

class pygsti.processors.CliffordCompilationRules(native_gates_processorspec, compile_type='absolute')

Bases: CompilationRules

An collection of compilations for clifford gates.

Holds mapping between operation labels (Label objects) and circuits (Circuit objects).

A CliffordCompilationRules holds a processor specification of the “native” gates of a processor and uses it to produce compilations of many of/all Clifford operations. Currently, the native gates should all be Clifford gates, so that the processor spec’s compute_clifford_symplectic_reps method gives representations for all of its gates.

Compilations can be either “local” or “non-local”. A local compilation ony uses gates that act on its target qubits. All 1-qubit gates can be local. A non-local compilation uses qubits outside the set of target qubits (e.g. a CNOT between two qubits between which there is no native CNOT). Currently, non-local compilations can only be constructed for the CNOT gate.

To speed up the creation of local compilations, a CliffordCompilationRules instance stores “template” compilations, which specify how to construct a compilation for some k-qubit gate on qubits labeled 0 to k-1. When creating a compilation for a gate, a template is used if a suitable one can be found; otherwise a new template is created and then used.



The processor specification of “native” Clifford gates which all compilation rules are composed from.


The “compilation type” for this rules set. If “absolute”, then compilations must match the gate operation being compiled exactly. If “paulieq”, then compilations only need to match the desired gate operation up to a Paui operation (which is useful for compiling multi-qubit Clifford gates / stabilizer states without unneeded 1-qubit gate over-heads).

classmethod create_standard(base_processor_spec, compile_type='absolute', what_to_compile=('1Qcliffords',), verbosity=1)

Create a common set of compilation rules based on a base processor specification.


The processor specification of “native” Clifford gates which all the compilation rules will be in terms of.


The “compilation type” for this rules set. If “absolute”, then compilations must match the gate operation being compiled exactly. If “paulieq”, then compilations only need to match the desired gate operation up to a Paui operation (which is useful for compiling multi-qubit Clifford gates / stabilizer states without unneeded 1-qubit gate over-heads).

what_to_compile{“1Qcliffords”, “localcnots”, “allcnots”, “paulis”}

What operations should rules be created for? Allowed values may depend on the value of compile_type.



add_local_compilation_of(oplabel, unitary=None, srep=None, max_iterations=10, force=False, verbosity=1)

Adds a new local compilation of oplabel.


The label of the gate to compile. If is a recognized standard Clifford name (e.g. ‘H’, ‘P’, ‘X’, ‘CNOT’) then no further information is needed. Otherwise, you must specify either (or both) of unitary or srep.

unitarynumpy.ndarray, optional

The unitary action of the gate being compiled. If, as is typical, you’re compiling using Clifford gates, then this unitary should correspond to a Clifford operation. If you specify unitary, you don’t need to specify srep - it is computed automatically.

sreptuple, optional

The (smatrix, svector) tuple giving the symplectic representation of the gate being compiled.

max_iterationsint, optional

The maximum number of iterations for the iterative compilation algorithm.

forcebool, optional

If True, then a compilation is recomputed even if oplabel already exists in this CompilationLibrary. Otherwise compilations are only computed when they are not present.

verbosityint, optional

An integer >= 0 specifying how much detail to send to stdout.



add_clifford_compilation_template(gate_name, nqubits, unitary, srep, available_gatelabels, available_sreps, verbosity=1, max_iterations=10)

Adds a new compilation template for gate_name.


The gate name to create a compilation for. If it is recognized standard Clifford name (e.g. ‘H’, ‘P’, ‘X’, ‘CNOT’) then unitary and srep can be None. Otherwise, you must specify either (or both) of unitary or srep.


The number of qubits this gate acts upon.


The unitary action of the gate being templated. If, as is typical, you’re compiling using Clifford gates, then this unitary should correspond to a Clifford operation. If you specify unitary, you don’t need to specify srep - it is computed automatically.

sreptuple, optional

The (smatrix, svector) tuple giving the symplectic representation of the gate being templated.


A list of the gate labels (Label objects) that are available for use in compilations.


A dictionary of available symplectic representations. Keys are gate labels and values are numpy arrays.

verbosityint, optional

An integer >= 0 specifying how much detail to send to stdout.

max_iterationsint, optional

The maximum number of iterations for the iterative template compilation-finding algorithm.


A tuple of the operation labels (essentially a circuit) specifying the template compilation that was generated.

filter_connectivity(gate_name, allowed_filter)

Compute the QubitGraph giving the available gate_name gates subject to allowed_filter.

The filter adds constraints to by specifying the availability of gate_name.


The gate name.

allowed_filterdict or set, optional

Specifies which gates are allowed to be to construct this connectivity. If a dict, keys must be gate names (like “CNOT”) and values QubitGraph objects indicating where that gate (if it’s present in the library) may be used. If a set, then it specifies a set of qubits and any gate in the current library that is confined within that set is allowed. If None, then all gates within the library are allowed.



add_nonlocal_compilation_of(oplabel, force=False, allowed_filter=None, verbosity=1, check=True)

Add a potentially non-local compilation of oplabel to this library.

This method currently only generates a compilation for a non-local CNOT, up to arbitrary Pauli gates, between a pair of unconnected qubits. It converts this CNOT into a circuit of CNOT gates between connected qubits, using a fixed circuit form. This compilation is not optimal in at least some circumstances.

If allowed_filter is None then the compilation is recorded under the key oplabel. Otherwise, the compilation is recorded under the key (oplabel,`context_key`) where context_key is frozenset(allowed_filter) when allowed_filter is a set, and context_key is frozenset(allowed_filter.items()) when allowed_filter is a dict.


The label of the gate to compile. Currently, must equal “CNOT”.

forcebool, optional

If True, then a compilation is recomputed even if oplabel already exists in this CompilationLibrary. Otherwise compilations are only computed when they are not present.

allowed_filterdict or set, optional

Specifies which gates are allowed to be used in this non-local compilation. If a dict, keys must be gate names (like “CNOT”) and values QubitGraph objects indicating where that gate (if it’s present in the library) may be used. If a set, then it specifies a set of qubits and any gate in the current library that is confined within that set is allowed. If None, then all gates within the library are allowed.

verbosityint, optional

An integer >= 0 specifying how much detail to send to stdout.

checkbool, optional

Whether to perform internal consistency checks.



retrieve_compilation_of(oplabel, force=False, allowed_filter=None, verbosity=1, check=True)

Get a compilation of oplabel in the context of allowed_filter, if any.

This is often more convenient than querying the CompilationLibrary directly as a dictionary, because:

  1. If allowed_filter is not None, this handles the correct querying of the dictionary to find out if there is a previously saved compilation with this allowed_filter context.

  2. If a compilation is not present, this method will try to compute one.

This method does not store the compilation. To store the compilation first call the method add_compilation_of().


The label of the gate to compile.

forcebool, optional

If True, then an attempt is made to recompute a compilation even if oplabel already exists in this CompilationLibrary. Otherwise compilations are only computed when they are not present.

allowed_filterdict or set, optional

Specifies which gates are allowed to be used in this non-local compilation. If a dict, keys must be gate names (like “CNOT”) and values QubitGraph objects indicating where that gate (if it’s present in the library) may be used. If a set, then it specifies a set of qubits and any gate in the current library that is confined within that set is allowed. If None, then all gates within the library are allowed.

verbosityint, optional

An integer >= 0 specifying how much detail to send to stdout.

checkbool, optional

Whether to perform internal consistency checks.



add_compilation_of(oplabel, force=False, allowed_filter=None, verbosity=1, check=True)

Adds a compilation of oplabel in the context of allowed_filter, if any.

If allowed_filter is None then the compilation is recorded under the key oplabel. Otherwise, the compilation is recorded under the key (oplabel,`context_key`) where context_key is frozenset(allowed_filter) when allowed_filter is a set, and context_key is frozenset(allowed_filter.items()) when allowed_filter is a dict.


The label of the gate to compile.

forcebool, optional

If True, then an attempt is made to recompute a compilation even if oplabel already exists in this CompilationLibrary. Otherwise compilations are only computed when they are not present.

allowed_filterdict or set, optional

Specifies which gates are allowed to be used in this non-local compilation. If a dict, keys must be gate names (like “CNOT”) and values QubitGraph objects indicating where that gate (if it’s present in the library) may be used. If a set, then it specifies a set of qubits and any gate in the current library that is confined within that set is allowed. If None, then all gates within the library are allowed.

verbosityint, optional

An integer >= 0 specifying how much detail to send to stdout.

checkbool, optional

Whether to perform internal consistency checks.



exception pygsti.processors.CompilationError

Bases: Exception

A compilation error, raised by CompilationLibrary

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.