Module Contents
The base class for all other evotype classes. |
- class pygsti.evotypes.evotype.Evotype(name, prefer_dense_reps=False)
The base class for all other evotype classes.
Provides an interface for creating representations. The create_* methods specify an API used by the operation classes so they can create the representation they need.
- namestr
The (module) name of the evolution type
- prefer_dense_repsbool, optional
Whether the dense representation provided by this evolution type should be preferred over more specific types, such as those for composed, embedded, and exponentiated operations. Most often this is set to True when using a
in order to get a performance gain.
- property minimal_space
- default_evotype = 'None'
- name
- module
- prefer_dense_reps
- classmethod cast(obj, default_prefer_dense_reps=False)
- minimal_dim(state_space)
- supported_reptypes()
- supports(reptype)
- create_dense_superop_rep(mx, super_basis, state_space)
- create_dense_unitary_rep(mx, super_basis, state_space)
- create_composed_rep(factor_op_reps, state_space)
- create_embedded_rep(state_space, targetLabels, embedded_rep)
- create_experrorgen_rep(errorgen_rep)
- create_identitypluserrorgen_rep(errorgen_rep)
- create_stochastic_rep(stochastic_basis, basis, initial_rates, seed_or_state, state_space)
- create_kraus_rep(basis, kraus_reps, state_space)
- create_sum_rep(factor_reps, state_space)
- create_clifford_rep(unitarymx, symplecticrep, super_basis, state_space)
- create_repeated_rep(rep_to_repeat, num_repetitions, state_space)
- create_standard_rep(standard_name, super_basis, state_space)
- create_sparse_rep(data, indices, indptr, state_space)
- create_lindblad_errorgen_rep(lindblad_coefficient_blocks, state_space)
- create_dense_state_rep(vec, super_basis, state_space)
- create_pure_state_rep(purevec, super_basis, state_space)
- create_computational_state_rep(zvals, super_basis, state_space)
- create_composed_state_rep(state_rep, op_rep, state_space)
- create_tensorproduct_state_rep(factor_state_reps, state_space)
- create_conjugatedstate_effect_rep(state_rep)
- create_computational_effect_rep(zvals, super_basis, state_space)
- create_tensorproduct_effect_rep(povm_factors, effect_labels, state_space)
- create_composed_effect_rep(errmap_rep, effect_rep, errmap_name, state_space)
- create_composed_povm_rep(errmap_rep, base_povm_rep, state_space)
- create_computational_povm_rep(nqubits, qubit_filter)
- create_term_rep(coeff, mag, logmag, pre_state, post_state, pre_effect, post_effect, pre_ops, post_ops)
- create_direct_term_rep(coeff, mag, logmag, pre_state, post_state, pre_effect, post_effect, pre_ops, post_ops)
- conjugate_state_term_rep(term_rep)
Turns a state term => effect term via conjugation of the state