Base classes for representations.
Module Contents
The base class for all POVM representation classes |
The base class for all operation representation classes |
A basic term representation that just holds other representation types (polys, states, effects, and gates). |
- class pygsti.evotypes.basereps.POVMRep
The base class for all POVM representation classes
- class pygsti.evotypes.basereps.OpRep
The base class for all operation representation classes
- pygsti.evotypes.basereps.LARGE = '1000000000'
- pygsti.evotypes.basereps.SMALL = '1e-05'
- class pygsti.evotypes.basereps.StockTermRep(coeff, mag, logmag, pre_state, post_state, pre_effect, post_effect, pre_ops, post_ops)
A basic term representation that just holds other representation types (polys, states, effects, and gates).
This “stock” class is in many cases entirely sufficient of an evotype, and is used by default when an evotype doesn’t define its own term-representation types so that evotypes don’t need to define term-rep types unless they’re doing something that is non-standard.
TODO: rest of StockTermRep docstring
- coeff
- magnitude
- logmagnitude
- pre_state
- post_state
- pre_effect
- post_effect
- pre_ops
- post_ops
- classmethod composed(terms_to_compose, magnitude)
- set_magnitude(mag)
- set_magnitude_only(mag)
- mapvec_indices_inplace(mapvec)
- scalar_mult(x)
- copy()
- pygsti.evotypes.basereps.StockTermDirectRep