The NamedDict class
Module Contents
A dictionary that also holds category names and types. |
- class, keytype=None, valname=None, valtype=None, items=())
A dictionary that also holds category names and types.
This dict-derived class holds a catgory name applicable to its keys, and key and value type names indicating the types of its keys and values.
The main purpose of this class is to utilize its
- keynamestr, optional
A category name for the keys of this dict. For example, if the dict contained the keys “dog” and “cat”, this might be “animals”. This becomes a column header if this dict is converted to a data frame.
- keytype{“float”, “int”, “category”, None}, optional
The key-type, in correspondence with different pandas series types.
- valnamestr, optional
A category name for the keys of this dict. This becomse a column header if this dict is converted to a data frame.
- valtype{“float”, “int”, “category”, None}, optional
The value-type, in correspondence with different pandas series types.
- itemslist or dict, optional
Initial items, used in serialization.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- keyname
- valname
- keytype
- valtype
- classmethod create_nested(key_val_type_list, inner)
Creates a nested NamedDict.
- key_val_type_listlist
A list of (key, value, type) tuples, one per nesting layer.
- innervarious
The value that will be set to the inner-most nested dictionary’s value, supplying any additional layers of nesting (if inner is a NamedDict) or the value contained in all of the nested layers.