
Defines the Model class and supporting functionality.

Module Contents



A predictive model for a Quantum Information Processor (QIP).


A Model that contains operators (i.e. "members"), having a container structure.



pygsti.models.model.MEMLIMIT_FOR_NONGAUGE_PARAMS = 'None'
class pygsti.models.model.Model(state_space)

Bases: pygsti.baseobjs.nicelyserializable.NicelySerializable

A predictive model for a Quantum Information Processor (QIP).

The main function of a Model object is to compute the outcome probabilities of Circuit objects based on the action of the model’s ideal operations plus (potentially) noise which makes the outcome probabilities deviate from the perfect ones.



The state space of this model.

property state_space

State space labels



property hyperparams

Dictionary of hyperparameters associated with this model



property num_params

The number of free parameters when vectorizing this model.


the number of model parameters.

property num_modeltest_params

The parameter count to use when testing this model against data.

Often times, this is the same as num_params(), but there are times when it can convenient or necessary to use a parameter count different than the actual number of parameters in this model.


the number of model parameters.

property parameter_bounds

Upper and lower bounds on the values of each parameter, utilized by optimization routines

property parameter_labels

A list of labels, usually of the form (op_label, string_description) describing this model’s parameters.

property parameter_labels_pretty

The list of parameter labels but formatted in a nice way.

In particular, tuples where the first element is an op label are made into a single string beginning with the string representation of the operation.

set_parameter_bounds(index, lower_bound=-_np.inf, upper_bound=_np.inf)

Set the bounds for a single model parameter.

These limit the values the parameter can have during an optimization of the model.


The index of the paramter whose bounds should be set.

lower_bound, upper_boundfloat, optional

The lower and upper bounds for the parameter. Can be set to the special numpy.inf (or -numpy.inf) values to effectively have no bound.



set_parameter_label(index, label)

Set the label of a single model parameter.


The index of the paramter whose label should be set.


An object that serves to label this parameter. Often a string.




Returns the model vectorized according to the optional parameters.

numpy array

The vectorized model parameters.

from_vector(v, close=False)

Sets this Model’s operations based on parameter values v.


A vector of parameters, with length equal to self.num_params.

closebool, optional

Set to True if v is close to the current parameter vector. This can make some operations more efficient.



abstract probabilities(circuit, clip_to=None)

Construct a dictionary containing the outcome probabilities of circuit.

circuitCircuit or tuple of operation labels

The sequence of operation labels specifying the circuit.

clip_to2-tuple, optional

(min,max) to clip probabilities to if not None.


A dictionary such that probs[SL] = pr(SL,circuit,clip_to) for each spam label (string) SL.

abstract bulk_probabilities(circuits, clip_to=None, comm=None, mem_limit=None, smartc=None)

Construct a dictionary containing the probabilities for an entire list of circuits.

circuits(list of Circuits) or CircuitOutcomeProbabilityArrayLayout

When a list, each element specifies a circuit to compute outcome probabilities for. A CircuitOutcomeProbabilityArrayLayout specifies the circuits along with an internal memory layout that reduces the time required by this function and can restrict the computed probabilities to those corresponding to only certain outcomes.

clip_to2-tuple, optional

(min,max) to clip return value if not None.

commmpi4py.MPI.Comm, optional

When not None, an MPI communicator for distributing the computation across multiple processors. Distribution is performed over subtrees of evalTree (if it is split).

mem_limitint, optional

A rough memory limit in bytes which is used to determine processor allocation.

smartcSmartCache, optional

A cache object to cache & use previously cached values inside this function.


A dictionary such that probs[opstr] is an ordered dictionary of (outcome, p) tuples, where outcome is a tuple of labels and p is the corresponding probability.


Copy this model.


a (deep) copy of this model.


Get all the possible outcome labels produced by simulating this circuit.


Circuit to get outcomes of.




The number of outcomes of circuit, given by it’s existing or implied POVM label.


The circuit to simplify




Adds any implied preparation or measurement layers to circuit


Circuit to act on.


Possibly the same object as circuit, if no additions are needed.

class pygsti.models.model.OpModel(state_space, basis, evotype, layer_rules, simulator='auto')

Bases: Model

A Model that contains operators (i.e. “members”), having a container structure.

These operators are independently (sort of) parameterized and can be thought to have dense representations (even if they’re not actually stored that way). This gives rise to the model having basis and evotype members.

Secondly, attached to an OpModel is the idea of “circuit simplification” whereby the operators (preps, operations, povms, instruments) within a circuit get simplified to things corresponding to a single outcome probability, i.e. pseudo-circuits containing just preps, operations, and POMV effects.

Thirdly, an OpModel is assumed to use a layer-by-layer evolution, and, because of circuit simplification process, the calculaton of circuit outcome probabilities has been pushed to a ForwardSimulator object which just deals with the forward simulation of simplified circuits. Furthermore, instead of relying on a static set of operations a forward simulator queries a LayerLizard for layer operations, making it possible to build up layer operations in an on-demand fashion from pieces within the model.



The state space for this model.


The basis used for the state space by dense operator representations.

evotypeEvotype or str, optional

The evolution type of this model, describing how states are represented. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.


The “layer rules” used for constructing operators for circuit layers. This functionality is essential to using this model to simulate ciruits, and is typically supplied by derived classes.

simulatorForwardSimulator or {“auto”, “matrix”, “map”}

The forward simulator (or typ) that this model should use. “auto” tries to determine the best type automatically.

Creates a new OpModel. Rarely used except from derived classes __init__ functions.

property sim

Forward simulator for this model

property evotype

Evolution type



property basis

The basis used to represent dense (super)operators of this model



property dim

The dimension of the model.

This equals d when the gate (or, more generally, circuit-layer) matrices would have shape d x d and spam vectors would have shape d x 1 (if they were computed).


model dimension

property num_params

The number of free parameters when vectorizing this model.


the number of model parameters.

property parameter_labels

A list of labels, usually of the form (op_label, string_description) describing this model’s parameters.

property parameter_bounds

Upper and lower bounds on the values of each parameter, utilized by optimization routines

property num_modeltest_params

The parameter count to use when testing this model against data.

Often times, this is the same as num_params(), but there are times when it can convenient or necessary to use a parameter count different than the actual number of parameters in this model.


the number of model parameters.

property param_interposer
property primitive_prep_labels
property primitive_povm_labels
property primitive_op_labels
property primitive_instrument_labels
dirty = 'False'
fogi_store = 'None'
set_parameter_label(index, label)

Set the label of a single model parameter.


The index of the paramter whose label should be set.


An object that serves to label this parameter. Often a string.



collect_parameters(params_to_collect, new_param_label=None)

Updates this model’s parameters so that previously independent parameters are tied together.

The model’s parameterization is modified so that all of the parameters given by params_to_collect are replaced by a single parameter. The label of this single parameter may be given if desired.

Note that after this function is called the model’s parameter vector (i.e. the result of to_vector()) should be assumed to have a new format unrelated to the parameter vector before their adjustment. For example, you should not assume that un-modified parameters will retain their old indices.


A list or tuple of parameter labels describing the parameters to collect. These should be a subset of the elements of self.parameter_labels or of self.parameter_labels_pretty, or integer indices into the model’s parameter vector. If empty, no parameter adjustment is performed.

new_param_labelobject, optional

The label for the new common parameter. If None, then the parameter label of the first collected parameter is used.




Updates this model’s parameters so that a common paramter becomes independent parameters.

The model’s parameterization is modified so that each usage of the given parameter in the model’s parameterized operations is promoted to being a new independent parameter. The labels of the new parameters are set by the operations.

Note that after this function is called the model’s parameter vector (i.e. the result of to_vector()) should be assumed to have a new format unrelated to the parameter vector before their adjustment. For example, you should not assume that un-modified parameters will retain their old indices.

param_to_uncollectint or object

A parameter label specifying the parameter to “uncollect”. This should be an element of self.parameter_labels or self.parameter_labels_pretty, or it may be an integer index into the model’s parameter vector.




Returns the model vectorized according to the optional parameters.

numpy array

The vectorized model parameters.

from_vector(v, close=False)

Sets this Model’s operations based on parameter values v.

The inverse of to_vector.


A vector of parameters, with length equal to self.num_params.

closebool, optional

Set to True if v is close to the current parameter vector. This can make some operations more efficient.



set_parameter_value(index, val, close=False)

This method allows for updating the value of a single model parameter at the specified parameter index.

indexint or tuple

Index of the parameter value in the model’s parameter vector to update. If a tuple this instead indexes by the corresponding parameter label.


Updated parameter value.

closebool, optional

Set to True if val is close to the current parameter vector. This can make some operations more efficient.



set_parameter_values(indices, values, close=False)

This method allows for updating the values of multiple model parameter at the specified parameter indices.

indiceslist of ints or tuples

Indices of the parameter values in the model’s parameter vector to update. If tuples this instead indexes by the corresponding parameter label. Mixing integer indices and parameter label tuples is not supported. Note: In the event that the parameter labels vector for this model contains duplicates the update may only apply to the first instance.

valueslist or tuple of floats

Updated parameter values.

closebool, optional

Set to True if values are close to the current parameter vector. This can make some operations more efficient.




Get all the possible outcome labels produced by simulating this circuit.


Circuit to get outcomes of.


tuple corresponding to the possible outcomes for circuit.

bulk_circuit_outcomes(circuits, split_circuits=None, completed_circuits=None)

Get all the possible outcome labels produced by simulating each of the circuits in this list of circuits.

circuitslist of Circuits

list of Circuits to get outcomes of.

split_circuitslist of tuples, optional (default None)

If specified, this is a list of tuples for each circuit corresponding to the splitting of the circuit into the prep label, spam-free circuit, and povm label. This is the same format produced by the :meth:split_circuit(s) method, and so this option can allow for accelerating this method when that has previously been run. When using this kwarg only one of this or the complete_circuits kwargs should be used.

completed_circuitslist of Circuits, optional (default None)

If specified, this is a list of compeleted circuits with prep and povm labels included. This is the format produced by the :meth:complete_circuit(s) method, and this can be used to accelerate this method call when that has been previously run. Should not be used in conjunction with split_circuits.


list of tuples corresponding to the possible outcomes for each circuit.

split_circuit(circuit, erroron=('prep', 'povm'), split_prep=True, split_povm=True)

Splits a circuit into prep_layer + op_layers + povm_layer components.

If circuit does not contain a prep label or a povm label a default label is returned if one exists.


A circuit, possibly beginning with a state preparation label and ending with a povm label.

errorontuple of {‘prep’,’povm’}

A ValueError is raised if a preparation or povm label cannot be resolved when ‘prep’ or ‘povm’ is included in ‘erroron’. Otherwise None is returned in place of unresolvable labels. An exception is when this model has no preps or povms, in which case None is always returned and errors are never raised, since in this case one usually doesn’t expect to use the Model to compute probabilities (e.g. in germ selection).

split_prepbool, optional

Whether to split off the state prep and return it as prep_label. If False, then the returned preparation label is always None, and is not removed from ops_only_circuit.

split_povmbool, optional

Whether to split off the POVM and return it as povm_label. If False, then the returned POVM label is always None, and is not removed from ops_only_circuit.


prep_label : Label or None ops_only_circuit : Circuit povm_label : Label or None

split_circuits(circuits, erroron=('prep', 'povm'), split_prep=True, split_povm=True)

Splits a circuit into prep_layer + op_layers + povm_layer components.

If circuit does not contain a prep label or a povm label a default label is returned if one exists.

circuitlist of Circuit

A list of circuits, possibly beginning with a state preparation label and ending with a povm label.

errorontuple of {‘prep’,’povm’}

A ValueError is raised if a preparation or povm label cannot be resolved when ‘prep’ or ‘povm’ is included in ‘erroron’. Otherwise None is returned in place of unresolvable labels. An exception is when this model has no preps or povms, in which case None is always returned and errors are never raised, since in this case one usually doesn’t expect to use the Model to compute probabilities (e.g. in germ selection).

split_prepbool, optional

Whether to split off the state prep and return it as prep_label. If False, then the returned preparation label is always None, and is not removed from ops_only_circuit.

split_povmbool, optional

Whether to split off the POVM and return it as povm_label. If False, then the returned POVM label is always None, and is not removed from ops_only_circuit.


list of tuples containing prep_label : Label or None ops_only_circuit : Circuit povm_label : Label or None

complete_circuit(circuit, prep_lbl_to_prepend=None, povm_lbl_to_append=None)

Adds any implied preparation or measurement layers to circuit

Converts circuit into a “complete circuit”, where the first (0-th) layer is a state preparation and the final layer is a measurement (POVM) layer.


Circuit to act on.

prep_lbl_to_prependLabel, optional (default None)

Optional user specified prep label to prepend. If not specified will use the default value as given by :meth:_default_primitive_prep_layer_lbl. If the circuit already has a prep label this argument will be ignored.

povm_lbl_to_appendLabel, optional (default None)

Optional user specified prep label to prepend. If not specified will use the default value as given by :meth:_default_primitive_prep_layer_lbl. If the circuit already has a prep label this argument will be ignored.


Possibly the same object as circuit, if no additions are needed.

expand_instruments_and_separate_povm(circuit, observed_outcomes=None)

Creates a dictionary of SeparatePOVMCircuit objects from expanding the instruments of this circuit.

Each key of the returned dictionary replaces the instruments in this circuit with a selection of their members. (The size of the resulting dictionary is the product of the sizes of each instrument appearing in this circuit when observed_outcomes is None). Keys are stored as SeparatePOVMCircuit objects so it’s easy to keep track of which POVM outcomes (effects) correspond to observed data. This function is, for the most part, used internally to process a circuit before computing its outcome probabilities.


The circuit to expand, using necessary details regarding the expansion from this model, including:

  • default SPAM layers

  • definitions of instrument-containing layers

  • expansions of individual instruments and POVMs

observed_outcomesiterable, optional (default None)

If specified an iterable over the subset of outcomes empirically observed for this circuit.


A dict whose keys are SeparatePOVMCircuit objects and whose values are tuples of the outcome labels corresponding to this circuit, one per POVM effect held in the key.

bulk_expand_instruments_and_separate_povm(circuits, observed_outcomes_list=None, split_circuits=None, completed_circuits=None)

Creates a list of dictionaries mapping from SeparatePOVMCircuit objects from expanding the instruments of this circuit.

Each key of the returned dictionary replaces the instruments in this circuit with a selection of their members. (The size of the resulting dictionary is the product of the sizes of each instrument appearing in this circuit when observed_outcomes is None). Keys are stored as SeparatePOVMCircuit objects so it’s easy to keep track of which POVM outcomes (effects) correspond to observed data. This function is, for the most part, used internally to process a circuit before computing its outcome probabilities.

This function works similarly to expand_instruments_and_separate_povm, except it operates on an entire list of circuits at once, and provides additional kwargs to accelerate computation.


The circuit to expand, using necessary details regarding the expansion from this model, including:

  • default SPAM layers

  • definitions of instrument-containing layers

  • expansions of individual instruments and POVMs

observed_outcomes_listlist of iterables, optional (default None)

If specified a list of iterables over the subset of outcomes empirically observed for each circuit.

split_circuitslist of tuples, optional (default None)

If specified, this is a list of tuples for each circuit corresponding to the splitting of the circuit into the prep label, spam-free circuit, and povm label. This is the same format produced by the :meth:split_circuit(s) method, and so this option can allow for accelerating this method when that has previously been run. When using this kwarg only one of this or the complete_circuits kwargs should be used.

completed_circuitslist of Circuits, optional (default None)

If specified, this is a list of compeleted circuits with prep and povm labels included. This is the format produced by the :meth:complete_circuit(s) method, and this can be used to accelerate this method call when that has been previously run. Should not be used in conjunction with split_circuits.

list of OrderedDicts

A list of dictionaries whose keys are SeparatePOVMCircuit objects and whose values are tuples of the outcome labels corresponding to each circuit, one per POVM effect held in the key.

complete_circuits(circuits, prep_lbl_to_prepend=None, povm_lbl_to_append=None, return_split=False)

Adds any implied preparation or measurement layers to list of circuits.

Converts circuit into a “complete circuit”, where the first (0-th) layer is a state preparation and the final layer is a measurement (POVM) layer.

circuitslist of Circuit

List of Circuit objects to act on.

prep_lbl_to_prependLabel, optional (default None)

Optional user specified prep label to prepend. If not specified will use the default value as given by :meth:_default_primitive_prep_layer_lbl. If the circuit already has a prep label this argument will be ignored.

povm_lbl_to_appendLabel, optional (default None)

Optional user specified prep label to prepend. If not specified will use the default value as given by :meth:_default_primitive_prep_layer_lbl. If the circuit already has a prep label this argument will be ignored.

return_splitbool, optional (default False)

If True we additionally return a list of tuples of the form: (prep_label, no_spam_circuit, povm_label) for each circuit. This is of the same format returned by :meth:split_circuits when using the kwarg combination: erroron=(‘prep’, ‘povm’), split_prep=True, split_povm=True


Possibly the same object as circuit, if no additions are needed.

circuit_parameter_dependence(circuits, return_param_circ_map=False)

Calculate the which model parameters each of the input circuits depends upon. Return this result in the the form of a dictionary whose keys are circuits, and whose values are lists of parameters upon which that circuit depends. Optionally a reverse mapping from model parameters to the input circuits which depend on that parameter.

Note: This methods does not work with models using parameter interposers presently.

circuitslist of Circuits

List of circuits to determine parameter dependence for.

return_param_circ_mapbool, optional (default False)

A flag indicating whether to return a reverse mapping from parameters to circuits depending on those parameters.


Dictionary with keys given by Circuits and values giving the list of model parameter indices upon which that circuit depends.

param_to_circuit_mapdict, optional

Dictionary with keys given by model parameter indices, and values giving the list of input circuits dependent upon that parameter.

circuit_layer_operator(layerlbl, typ='auto')

Construct or retrieve the operation associated with a circuit layer.


The circuit-layer label to construct an operation for.


The type of layer layerlbl refers to: ‘prep’ is for state preparation (only at the beginning of a circuit), ‘povm’ is for a measurement: a POVM or effect label (only at the end of a circuit), and ‘op’ is for all other “middle” circuit layers.


LinearOperator or State or POVM


Construct or retrieve the operation associated with a circuit.


The circuit to construct an operation for. This circuit should not contain any state preparation or measurement layers.



probabilities(circuit, outcomes=None, time=None)

Construct a dictionary containing the outcome probabilities of circuit.

circuitCircuit or tuple of operation labels

The sequence of operation labels specifying the circuit.

outcomeslist or tuple

A sequence of outcomes, which can themselves be either tuples (to include intermediate measurements) or simple strings, e.g. ‘010’.

timefloat, optional

The start time at which circuit is evaluated.


A dictionary with keys equal to outcome labels and values equal to probabilities.

bulk_probabilities(circuits, clip_to=None, comm=None, mem_limit=None, smartc=None)

Construct a dictionary containing the probabilities for an entire list of circuits.

circuits(list of Circuits) or CircuitOutcomeProbabilityArrayLayout

When a list, each element specifies a circuit to compute outcome probabilities for. A CircuitOutcomeProbabilityArrayLayout specifies the circuits along with an internal memory layout that reduces the time required by this function and can restrict the computed probabilities to those corresponding to only certain outcomes.

clip_to2-tuple, optional

(min,max) to clip return value if not None.

commmpi4py.MPI.Comm, optional

When not None, an MPI communicator for distributing the computation across multiple processors. Distribution is performed over subtrees of evalTree (if it is split).

mem_limitint, optional

A rough memory limit in bytes which is used to determine processor allocation.

datasetDataSet, optional

If not None, restrict what is computed to only those probabilities corresponding to non-zero counts (observed outcomes) in this data set.

smartcSmartCache, optional

A cache object to cache & use previously cached values inside this function.


A dictionary such that probs[opstr] is an ordered dictionary of (outcome, p) tuples, where outcome is a tuple of labels and p is the corresponding probability.


Copy this model.


a (deep) copy of this model.

abstract create_modelmember_graph()

Generate a ModelMemberGraph for the model.


A directed graph capturing dependencies among model members


Print a summary of all the members within this model.

is_similar(other_model, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)

Whether or not two Models have the same structure.

If True, then the two models are the same except for, perhaps, being at different parameter-space points (i.e. having different parameter vectors). Similar models, A and B, can be made equivalent (see is_equivalent()) by calling modelA.from_vector(modelB.to_vector()).

other_model: Model

The model to compare against

rtolfloat, optional

Relative tolerance used to check if floating point values are “equal”, as passed to numpy.allclose.

atol: float, optional

Absolute tolerance used to check if floating point values are “equal”, as passed to numpy.allclose.



is_equivalent(other_model, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)

Whether or not two Models are equivalent to each other.

If True, then the two models have the same structure and the same parameters, so they are in all ways alike and will compute the same probabilities.

other_model: Model

The model to compare against

rtolfloat, optional

Relative tolerance used to check if floating point (including parameter) values are “equal”, as passed to numpy.allclose.

atol: float, optional

Absolute tolerance used to check if floating point (including parameter) values are “equal”, as passed to numpy.allclose.



setup_fogi(initial_gauge_basis, create_complete_basis_fn=None, op_label_abbrevs=None, reparameterize=False, reduce_to_model_space=True, dependent_fogi_action='drop', include_spam=True, primitive_op_labels=None)
fogi_errorgen_component_labels(include_fogv=False, typ='normal')
fogi_errorgen_components_array(include_fogv=False, normalized_elem_gens=True)
set_fogi_errorgen_components_array(components, include_fogv=False, normalized_elem_gens=True, truncate=False)

Constructs a vector from all the error generator coefficients involved in the FOGI analysis of this model.

normalized_elem_gensbool, optional

Whether or not coefficients correspond to elementary error generators constructed from normalized Pauli matrices or not.



fogi_contribution(op_label, error_type='H', intrinsic_or_relational='intrinsic', target='all', hessian_for_errorbars=None)

Computes a contribution to the FOGI error on a single gate.

This method is used when partitioning the (FOGI) error on a gate in various ways, based on the error type, whether the error is intrinsic or relational, and the upon the error support.


The operation to compute a contribution for.

error_type{‘H’, ‘S’, ‘fogi_total_error’, ‘fogi_infidelity’}

The type of errors to include in the partition. ‘H’ means Hamiltonian and ‘S’ means Pauli stochastic. There are two options for including both H and S errors: ‘fogi_total_error’ adds the Hamiltonian errors linearly with the Pauli tochastic errors, similar to the diamond distance; ‘fogi_infidelity’ adds the Hamiltonian errors in quadrature to the linear sum of Pauli stochastic errors, similar to the entanglement or average gate infidelity.

intrinsic_or_relational{“intrinsic”, “relational”, “all”}

Restrict to intrinsic or relational errors (or not, using “all”).

targettuple or “all”

A tuple of state space (qubit) labels to restrict to, e.g., (‘Q0’,’Q1’). Note that including multiple labels selects only those quantities that target all the labels. The special “all” value includes quantities on all targets (no restriction).

hessian_for_errorbarsnumpy.ndarray, optional

If not None, a hessian matrix for this model (with shape (Np, Np) where Np == self.num_params, the number of model paramters) that is used to compute and return 1-sigma error bars.


The value of the requested contribution.


The 1-sigma error bar, returned only if hessian_for_errorbars is given.