The StaticState class and supporting functionality.
Module Contents
A state vector that is completely fixed, or "static" (i.e. that posesses no parameters). |
- class pygsti.modelmembers.states.staticstate.StaticState(vec, basis=None, evotype='default', state_space=None)
A state vector that is completely fixed, or “static” (i.e. that posesses no parameters).
- vecarray_like or State
a 1D numpy array representing the state. The shape of this array sets the dimension of the state.
- basisBasis or str
The basis that vec is in.
- evotypeEvotype or str, optional
The evolution type. The special value “default” is equivalent to specifying the value of pygsti.evotypes.Evotype.default_evotype.
- state_spaceStateSpace, optional
The state space for this operation. If None a default state space with the appropriate number of qubits is used.
Initialize a new state Vector