Utility functions for RPE
Module Contents
For a single germ generation (k value), estimate the angle of rotation |
For a dataset containing sin and cos strings to estimate either alpha, |
For a dataset containing sin and cos strings to estimate theta, |
For a given model, obtain the angle of rotation about the "fixed axis" |
For a given model, obtain the angle of rotation about the "loose axis" |
For a given model, obtain the angle between the estimated "loose axis" and |
Check internal consistency |
Compute angle estimates and compare to true or target values for alpha, epsilon, |
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.extract_rotation_hat(xhat, yhat, k, nx, ny, angle_name='epsilon', previous_angle=None, rpeconfig_inst=None)
For a single germ generation (k value), estimate the angle of rotation for either alpha, epsilon, or Phi. (Warning: Do not use for theta estimate without further processing!)
- xhatfloat
The number of 0 counts for the sin string being used.
- yhatfloat
The number of 0 counts for the cos string being used.
- kfloat
The generation of experiments that xhat and yhat come from.
- nxfloat
The number of sin string clicks.
- nyfloat
The number cos string clicks.
- angle_name{ “alpha”, “epsilon”, “Phi” }, optional
The angle to be extracted
- previous_anglefloat, optional
Angle estimate from previous generation; used to refine this generation’s estimate. Default is None (for estimation with no previous genereation’s data)
- rpeconfig_instDeclares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit;
determines particular functions and values to be used.
- alpha_jfloat
The current angle estimate.
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.estimate_angles(dataset, angle_sin_strs, angle_cos_strs, angle_name='epsilon', length_list=None, rpeconfig_inst=None)
For a dataset containing sin and cos strings to estimate either alpha, epsilon, or Phi return a list of alpha, epsilon, or Phi estimates (one for each generation). Note: this assumes the dataset contains ‘0’ and ‘1’ SPAM labels.
- datasetDataSet
The dataset from which the angle estimates will be extracted.
- angle_sin_strslist of Circuits
The list of sin strs that the estimator will use.
- angle_cos_strslist of Circuits
The list of cos strs that the estimator will use.
- angle_name{ “alpha”, “epsilon”, “Phi” }, optional
The angle to be extracted
- length_listThe list of sequence lengths. Default is None;
If None is specified, then length_list becomes [1,2,4,…,2**(len(angle_sin_strs)-1)]
- rpeconfig_instRPEconfig object
Declares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit; determines particular functions and values to be used.
- angleHatListlist of floats
A list of angle estimates, ordered by generation (k).
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.estimate_thetas(dataset, angle_sin_strs, angle_cos_strs, epsilon_list, return_phi_fun_list=False, rpeconfig_inst=None)
For a dataset containing sin and cos strings to estimate theta, along with already-made estimates of epsilon, return a list of theta (one for each generation).
- datasetDataSet
The dataset from which the theta estimates will be extracted.
- angle_sin_strslist of Circuits
The list of sin strs that the estimator will use.
- angle_cos_strslist of Circuits
The list of cos strs that the estimator will use.
- epsilon_listlist of floats
List of epsilon estimates.
- return_phi_fun_listbool, optional
Set to True to obtain measure of how well Eq. III.7 is satisfied. Default is False.
- rpeconfig_instRPEconfig object
Declares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit; determines particular functions and values to be used.
- thetaHatListlist of floats
A list of theta estimates, ordered by generation (k).
- PhiFunListlist of floats
A list of _sin_phi2 vals at optimal theta values. If not close to 0, constraints unsatisfiable. Only returned if return_phi_fun_list is set to True.
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.extract_alpha(model, rpeconfig_inst)
For a given model, obtain the angle of rotation about the “fixed axis”
WARNING: This is a gauge-covariant parameter! Gauge must be fixed prior to estimating.
- modelModel
The model whose angle of rotation about the fixed axis is to be calculated.
- rpeconfig_instRPEconfig object
Declares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit; determines particular functions and values to be used.
- alphaValfloat
The value of alpha for the input model.
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.extract_epsilon(model, rpeconfig_inst)
For a given model, obtain the angle of rotation about the “loose axis”
WARNING: This is a gauge-covariant parameter! Gauge must be fixed prior to estimating.
- modelModel
The model whose angle of rotation about the “loose axis” is to be calculated.
- rpeconfig_instRPEconfig object
Declares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit; determines particular functions and values to be used.
- epsilonValfloat
The value of epsilon for the input model.
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.extract_theta(model, rpeconfig_inst)
For a given model, obtain the angle between the estimated “loose axis” and the target “loose axis”.
WARNING: This is a gauge-covariant parameter! (I think!) Gauge must be fixed prior to estimating.
- modelModel
The model whose loose axis misalignment is to be calculated.
- rpeconfig_instRPEconfig object
Declares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit; determines particular functions and values to be used.
- thetaValfloat
The value of theta for the input model.
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.consistency_check(angle_k, angle_final, k)
Check internal consistency
- pygsti.extras.rpe.rpetools.analyze_rpe_data(input_dataset, true_or_target_model, string_list_d, rpeconfig_inst, do_consistency_check=False, k_list=None)
Compute angle estimates and compare to true or target values for alpha, epsilon, and theta. (“True” will typically be used for simulated data, when the true angle values are known a priori; “target” will typically be used for experimental data, where we do not know the true angle values, and can only compare to our desired angles.)
- input_datasetDataSet
The dataset containing the RPE experiments.
- true_or_target_modelModel
The model used to generate the RPE data OR the target model.
- string_list_ddict
The dictionary of operation sequence lists used for the RPE experiments. This should be generated via make_rpe_string_list_d.
- rpeconfig_instRPEconfig object
Declares which model configuration RPE should be trying to fit; determines particular functions and values to be used.
- resultsDdict
A dictionary of the results. The keys of the dictionary are:
‘alphaHatList’ : List (ordered by k) of alpha estimates.
‘epsilonHatList’ : List (ordered by k) of epsilon estimates.
‘thetaHatList’ : List (ordered by k) of theta estimates.
‘alphaErrorList’ : List (ordered by k) of difference between true alpha and RPE estimate of alpha.
‘epsilonErrorList’ : List (ordered by k) of difference between true epsilon and RPE estimate of epsilon.
‘thetaErrorList’ : List (ordered by k) of difference between true theta and RPE estimate of theta.
‘PhiFunErrorList’ : List (ordered by k) of _sin_phi2 values.