Defines the Label class
Module Contents
A label used to identify a gate, circuit layer, or (sub-)circuit. |
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or state-space-names. |
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or state-space-names. |
A string-valued label. |
A label consisting of a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples. |
A label consisting of a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples. |
A (sub-)circuit label. |
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or state-space-names. |
A label consisting of a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples. |
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.Label
A label used to identify a gate, circuit layer, or (sub-)circuit.
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or sector-names specifying which qubits, or more generally, parts of the Hilbert space that is acted upon by an object so-labeled.
Creates a new Model-item label, which is divided into a simple string label and a tuple specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which the item acts (often just qubit indices).
- namestr
The item name. E.g., ‘CNOT’ or ‘H’.
- state_space_labelslist or tuple, optional
A list or tuple that identifies which sectors/parts of the Hilbert space is acted upon. In many cases, this is a list of integers specifying the qubits on which a gate acts, when the ordering in the list defines the ‘direction’ of the gate. If something other than a list or tuple is passed, a single-element tuple is created containing the passed object.
- timefloat
The time at which this label occurs (can be relative or absolute)
- argsiterable of hashable types, optional
A list of “arguments” for this label. Having arguments makes the Label even more resemble a function call, and supplies parameters for the object (often a gate or layer operation) being labeled that are fixed at circuit-creation time (i.e. are not optimized over). For example, the angle of a continuously-variable X-rotation gate could be an argument of a gate label, and one might create a label: Label(‘Gx’, (0,), args=(pi/3,))
- property depth
The depth of this label, viewed as a sub-circuit.
- property reps
Number of repetitions (of this label’s components) that this label represents.
- property has_nontrivial_components
- property is_simple
Whether this is a “simple” (opaque w/a true name, from a circuit perspective) label or not.
- collect_args()
- strip_args()
- expand_subcircuits()
Expand any sub-circuits within this label.
Returns a list of component labels which doesn’t include any
labels. This effectively expands any “boxes” or “exponentiation” within this label.Returns
- tuple
A tuple of component Labels (none of which should be
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelTup
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or state-space-names.
These state-space sector names specify which qubits, or more generally, parts of the Hilbert space that is acted upon by the object this label refers to.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property time
This label’s name time (always 0)
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices. (a tuple)
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'True'
- classmethod init(name, state_space_labels)
Creates a new Model-item label.
The created label is comprised of a simple string label and a tuple specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which the item acts (often just qubit indices).
- namestr
The item name. E.g., ‘CNOT’ or ‘H’.
- state_space_labelslist or tuple
A list or tuple that identifies which sectors/parts of the Hilbert space is acted upon. In many cases, this is a list of integers specifying the qubits on which a gate acts, when the ordering in the list defines the ‘direction’ of the gate. If something other than a list or tuple is passed, a single-element tuple is created containing the passed object.
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelTupWithTime
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or state-space-names.
These state-space sector names specify which qubits, or more generally, parts of the Hilbert space that is acted upon by the object this label refers to.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices. (a tuple)
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'True'
- classmethod init(name, state_space_labels, time=0.0)
Creates a new Model-item label.
The created label is comprised of a simple string label and a tuple specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which the item acts (often just qubit indices).
- namestr
The item name. E.g., ‘CNOT’ or ‘H’.
- state_space_labelslist or tuple
A list or tuple that identifies which sectors/parts of the Hilbert space is acted upon. In many cases, this is a list of integers specifying the qubits on which a gate acts, when the ordering in the list defines the ‘direction’ of the gate. If something other than a list or tuple is passed, a single-element tuple is created containing the passed object.
- timefloat
The time at which this label occurs (can be relative or absolute)
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelStr
A string-valued label.
A Label for the special case when only a name is present (no state-space-labels). We create this as a separate class so that we can use the string hash function in a “hardcoded” way - if we put switching logic in __hash__ the hashing gets much slower.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices.
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'True'
- classmethod init(name, time=0.0)
Creates a new Model-item label, which is just a simple string label.
- namestr
The item name. E.g., ‘CNOT’ or ‘H’.
- timefloat
The time at which this label occurs (can be relative or absolute)
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelTupTup
A label consisting of a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples.
This typically labels a layer of a circuit (a parallel level of gates).
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property time
This label’s name time (always 0)
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices.
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- property depth
The depth of this label, viewed as a sub-circuit.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'False'
- classmethod init(tup_of_tups)
Creates a new Model-item tuple-of-tuples label.
This is a tuple of tuples of simple string labels and tuples specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which that item acts (often just qubit indices).
- tup_of_tupstuple
The item data - a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples which labels a parallel layer/level of a circuit.
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- strip_args()
Return version of self with all arguments removed
- to_native()
Returns this label as native python types.
Useful for faster serialization.
- replace_name(oldname, newname)
Returns a label with oldname replaced by newname.
- oldnamestr
Name to find.
- newnamestr
Name to replace found name with.
- expand_subcircuits()
Expand any sub-circuits within this label.
Returns a list of component labels which doesn’t include any
labels. This effectively expands any “boxes” or “exponentiation” within this label.Returns
- tuple
A tuple of component Labels (none of which should be
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelTupTupWithTime
A label consisting of a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples.
This typically labels a layer of a circuit (a parallel level of gates).
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices.
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- property depth
The depth of this label, viewed as a sub-circuit.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'False'
- classmethod init(tup_of_tups, time=None)
Creates a new Model-item tuple-of-tuples label.
This is a tuple of tuples of simple string labels and tuples specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which that item acts (often just qubit indices).
- tup_of_tupstuple
The item data - a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples which labels a parallel layer/level of a circuit.
- timefloat, optional
A time value associated with this label. Often this is the duration of the object or operation labeled.
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- strip_args()
Return version of self with all arguments removed
- to_native()
Returns this label as native python types.
Useful for faster serialization.
- replace_name(oldname, newname)
Returns a label with oldname replaced by newname.
- oldnamestr
Name to find.
- newnamestr
Name to replace found name with.
- expand_subcircuits()
Expand any sub-circuits within this label.
Returns a list of component labels which doesn’t include any
labels. This effectively expands any “boxes” or “exponentiation” within this label.Returns
- tuple
A tuple of component Labels (none of which should be
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.CircuitLabel
A (sub-)circuit label.
This class encapsulates a complete circuit as a single layer. It lacks some of the methods and metadata of a true
object, but contains the essentials: the tuple of layer labels (held as the label’s components) and line labels (held as the label’s state-space labels)Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property reps
Number of repetitions (of this label’s components) that this label represents.
- abstract property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices. (a tuple)
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- property depth
The depth of this label, viewed as a sub-circuit.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'True'
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- abstract strip_args()
- to_native()
Returns this label as native python types.
Useful for faster serialization.
- replace_name(oldname, newname)
Returns a label with oldname replaced by newname.
- oldnamestr
Name to find.
- newnamestr
Name to replace found name with.
- expand_subcircuits()
Expand any sub-circuits within this label.
Returns a list of component labels which doesn’t include any
labels. This effectively expands any “boxes” or “exponentiation” within this label.Returns
- tuple
A tuple of component Labels (none of which should be
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelTupWithArgs
A label consisting of a string along with a tuple of integers or state-space-names.
These state-space sector names specify which qubits, or more generally, parts of the Hilbert space that is acted upon by the object this label refers to. This label type also supports having arguments and a time value.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices. (a tuple)
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'True'
- classmethod init(name, state_space_labels, time=0.0, args=())
Creates a new Model-item label.
The created is divided into a simple string label, a tuple specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which the item acts (often just qubit indices), a time, and arguments.
- namestr
The item name. E.g., ‘CNOT’ or ‘H’.
- state_space_labelslist or tuple
A list or tuple that identifies which sectors/parts of the Hilbert space is acted upon. In many cases, this is a list of integers specifying the qubits on which a gate acts, when the ordering in the list defines the ‘direction’ of the gate. If something other than a list or tuple is passed, a single-element tuple is created containing the passed object.
- timefloat
The time at which this label occurs (can be relative or absolute)
- argsiterable of hashable types
A list of “arguments” for this label.
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- strip_args()
- class pygsti.baseobjs.label.LabelTupTupWithArgs
A label consisting of a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples.
This typically labels a layer of a circuit (a parallel level of gates). This label type also supports having arguments and a time value.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- property name
This label’s name (a string).
- property sslbls
This label’s state-space labels, often qubit labels (a tuple).
- property args
This label’s arguments.
- property components
The sub-label components of this label, or just (self,) if no sub-labels exist.
- property qubits
An alias for sslbls, since commonly these are just qubit indices. (a tuple)
- property num_qubits
The number of qubits this label “acts” on (an integer). None if self.ssbls is None.
- property depth
The depth of this label, viewed as a sub-circuit.
- IS_SIMPLE = 'False'
- classmethod init(tup_of_tups, time=None, args=())
Creates a new Model-item label.
The created label is a tuple of tuples of simple string labels and tuples specifying the part of the Hilbert space upon which that item acts (often just qubit indices).
- tup_of_tupstuple
The item data - a tuple of (string, state-space-labels) tuples which labels a parallel layer/level of a circuit.
- timefloat
The time at which this label occurs (can be relative or absolute)
- argsiterable of hashable types
A list of “arguments” for this label.
- has_prefix(prefix, typ='all')
Whether this label has the given prefix.
Usually used to test whether the label names a given type.
- prefixstr
The prefix to check for.
- typ{“any”,”all”}
Whether, when there are multiple parts to the label, the prefix must occur in any or all of the parts.
- map_state_space_labels(mapper)
Apply a mapping to this Label’s state-space (qubit) labels.
Return a copy of this Label with all of the state-space labels (often just qubit labels) updated according to a mapping function.
For example, calling this function with mapper = {0: 1, 1: 3} on the Label “Gcnot:0:1” would return “Gcnot:1:3”.
- mapperdict or function
A dictionary whose keys are the existing state-space-label values and whose value are the new labels, or a function which takes a single (existing state-space-label) argument and returns a new state-space-label.
- strip_args()
Return version of self with all arguments removed