GST contraction algorithms
Module Contents
Contract a Model to a specified space. |
- pygsti.algorithms.contract.contract(model, to_what, dataset=None, maxiter=1000000, tol=0.01, use_direct_cp=True, method='Nelder-Mead', verbosity=0)
Contract a Model to a specified space.
All contraction operations except ‘vSPAM’ operate entirely on the gate matrices and leave state preparations and measurments alone, while ‘vSPAM’ operations only on SPAM.
- modelModel
The model to contract
- to_whatstring
Specifies which space is the model is contracted to. Allowed values are:
‘TP’ – All gates are manifestly trace-preserving maps.
‘CP’ – All gates are manifestly completely-positive maps.
‘CPTP’ – All gates are manifestly completely-positive and trace-preserving maps.
‘XP’ – All gates are manifestly “experimentally-positive” maps.
‘XPTP’ – All gates are manifestly “experimentally-positive” and trace-preserving maps.
‘vSPAM’ – state preparation and measurement operations are valid.
‘nothing’ – no contraction is performed.
- datasetDataSet, optional
Dataset to use to determine whether a model is in the “experimentally-positive” (XP) space. Required only when contracting to XP or XPTP.
- maxiterint, optional
Maximum number of iterations for iterative contraction routines.
- tolfloat, optional
Tolerance for iterative contraction routines.
- use_direct_cpbool, optional
Whether to use a faster direct-contraction method for CP contraction. This method essentially transforms to the Choi matrix, truncates any negative eigenvalues to zero, then transforms back to a operation matrix.
- methodstring, optional
The method used when contracting to XP and non-directly to CP (i.e. use_direct_cp == False).
- verbosityint, optional
How much detail to send to stdout.
- Model
The contracted model