
Defines the CircuitList class, for holding meta-data alongside a list or tuple of Circuits.

Module Contents



A unmutable list (a tuple) of Circuit objects and associated metadata.

class pygsti.circuits.circuitlist.CircuitList(circuits, op_label_aliases=None, circuit_rules=None, circuit_weights=None, name=None)

Bases: pygsti.baseobjs.nicelyserializable.NicelySerializable

A unmutable list (a tuple) of Circuit objects and associated metadata.



The list of circuits that constitutes the primary data held by this object.

op_label_aliasesdict, optional

Dictionary of circuit meta-data whose keys are operation label “aliases” and whose values are circuits corresponding to what that operation label should be expanded into before querying the dataset. Defaults to the empty dictionary (no aliases defined). e.g. op_label_aliases[‘Gx^3’] = pygsti.baseobjs.Circuit([‘Gx’,’Gx’,’Gx’])

circuit_weightsnumpy.ndarray, optional

If not None, an array of per-circuit weights (of length equal to the number of circuits) that are typically used to multiply the counts extracted for each circuit.

namestr, optional

An optional name for this list, used for status messages.

Create a CircuitList.



The list of circuits that constitutes the primary data held by this object.

op_label_aliasesdict, optional

Dictionary of circuit meta-data whose keys are operation label “aliases” and whose values are circuits corresponding to what that operation label should be expanded into before querying the dataset. Defaults to the empty dictionary (no aliases defined). e.g. op_label_aliases[‘Gx^3’] = pygsti.baseobjs.Circuit([‘Gx’,’Gx’,’Gx’])

circuit_ruleslist, optional

A list of (find,replace) 2-tuples which specify circuit-label replacement rules. Both find and replace are tuples of operation labels (or Circuit objects).

circuit_weightsnumpy.ndarray, optional

If not None, an array of per-circuit weights (of length equal to the number of circuits) that are typically used to multiply the counts extracted for each circuit.

namestr, optional

An optional name for this list, used for status messages.

classmethod cast(circuits)

Convert (if needed) an object into a CircuitList.

circuitslist or CircuitList

The object to convert.




Applies any operation-label aliases to this circuit list.


A list of Circuit objects.


Builds a new circuit list containing only a given subset.

This can be safer then just creating a new CircuitList because it preserves the aliases, etc., of this list.

circuits_to_keeplist or set

The circuits to retain in the returned circuit list.




Builds a new circuit list containing only those elements in dataset.


The dataset to check. Aliases are applied to the circuits in this circuit list before they are tested.



elementvec_to_array(elementvec, layout, mergeop='sum')

Form an array of values corresponding to this CircuitList from an element vector.

An element vector holds individual-outcome elements (e.g. the bulk probabilities computed by a model).

elementvecnumpy array

An array containting the values to use when constructing a matrix of values for this CircuitList. This array may contain more values than are needed by this CircuitList. Indices into this array are given by elindices_lookup.


The layout of elementvec, giving the mapping between its elements and circuit outcomes.

mergeop“sum” or format string, optional

Dictates how to combine the elementvec components corresponding to a single plaquette entry (circuit). If “sum”, the returned array contains summed values. If a format string, e.g. “%.2f”, then the so-formatted components are joined together with separating commas, and the resulting array contains string (object-type) entries.


numpy array